Technology By Johnny and Simone
What technology do you find in a library ? What technology do you find in a library ? Laptops, Desktops, and a smart board. Soon nooks and tablet's
What technology can you find at Mott Road? First and second graders use i Pads and every class room has a smart board and computer.
What the OPAC? It stands for Online Pubic Access Catalog. Its a way for people to find books by their number. Anyone can use the OPAC.
What else can you do at the Mott Road Library? You can go to websites like Brain Pop Jr. or Brain Pop or Britannica. You can go to websites like Brain Pop Jr. or Brain Pop or Britannica.
Works Cited Image: Britannica Image Quest Web. 5/15. Personal Interview: Mrs. Myers, LMS. 5/15. “Databases”, Mott Road Library Web. 5/15.