What a Principal Needs to Know About Media Specialists. By: Nicholas Adam Stillmak
Do you want your media center to look like this? mduU9E&feature=relatedhttp:// mduU9E&feature=related
Or do you want your media center to look like this? hAnauQhttp:// hAnauQ
It all depends upon your school media specialist! the library media specialist (LMS)—has become an essential part of a school’s faculty. These are the people who will integrate the digital world into today’s classroom and throughout the curriculum. Specially trained and knowledgeable in the use of information technology, library media specialists have become one of the most important instructional partners, working with teachers and administrators to change what is possible in the classroom.
The many roles of the modern media specialist.
Media specialists; -work with educators to design and teach curriculum -create curriculum and promote an engaging learning experience tailored to the individual needs of students -evaluate and “produce” information through the active use of a broad range of tools, resources, and information technologies -provide access to materials in all formats, including up-to-date, high- quality, varied literature to develop and strengthen the love of reading -provide students, educators, and staff with instructional materials that reflect current information needs.
What a principal needs to know; According to the Wisconsin Dept. of Public instruction Maintain a positive teaching and learning climate in the library media center. Practice effective interpersonal relationships within the school and its community. Communicate regularly and purposefully about the role and services of the school library media program. Demonstrate skills necessary for collaborative planning of curriculum and lessons with teachers, i.e., the ability to demonstrate an understanding of curriculum objectives, to listen effectively, to use probing and clarifying questions, and to negotiate responsibility for activities.
Identify student and staff information needs. Apply strategies for organizing, disseminating and promoting flexible access to materials that best meet staff and student information needs. Develop and monitor selection policies that include reevaluation and review procedures that ensure unrestricted access to information and ideas Recognize the existence and use of multiple information environments. Develop and monitor policies that ensure equitable access to all types of resources and technologies within the school environment and beyond. Comply with the copyright law and guidelines, and advocate compliance. Encourage Intellectual Freedom, free inquiry and access to information. Develop and monitor policies that ensure privacy and confidentiality of library/media users.
Whoa! It’s a complex job! There are many more roles and responsibilities of the school media specialist to be found at the following websites. South Carolina Standards Wisconsin Dept. of Public Ed.
In closure; When you are a principal you had better hire, supervise, and evaluate your media specialist(s) with the utmost care or you could end up with this. aAYHq8&feature=relatedhttp:// aAYHq8&feature=related
Websites 9E&feature=relatedhttp:// 9E&feature=related q8&feature=relatedhttp:// q8&feature=related = http://www2.scholastic.com/browse/article.jsp?id =
References bentonlibrary (Director). (2010). Typical Benton Library Media Center [Motion Picture]. Evers, T. (2010, 9 24). Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. Retrieved 9 24, 2010, from Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction: jrsolset (Director). (2009). Library Party! [Motion Picture]. Rex, J. (2010, 9 24). South Carolina Dept. of Education. Retrieved 9 24, 2010, from South Carolina Dept. of Education: Weil, E. (2010, 9 24). Scholastic. Retrieved 9 24, 2010, from Scholastic: Yankovic, W. A. (Director). (2006). UHF Conan The Librarian [Motion Picture].