RCD Review January 2011
General –On-going review of the RCD since ~2006 (stocktaking studies); 2009 (drafting process starting with discussion of the “wish-list”) –Process of preparation of the European Commission's draft proposal completed with Inter-Service Consultation autumn 2010 –Ready for formal adoption of the draft by European Commission Start of readings in the European Council and Parliament (Co-decision process) Duration of co-decision process approximately 1-2 years depending if 1 or 2 readings of the draft directive In theory, the RCD could be in force (end of transition periods by 2015 but not started yet
General –SD/I Standards are 4 Star Level with no ABT –OB/PWC Standards are 3Star Level with no ABT –Hi-Perf. Standards same as US
Items the European Commission has been working on until autumn 2010: Test cycles Application of engine family concept and choice of parent engine Test fuels Next slides from European Commission presentation autumn 2010
October 2009Unit I/4 Annex I.B.2.3 Test cycles and reference fuels Annex I.B Test cycles and weighting factors to be applied: For variable speed CI engines test cycle E1 or E5 shall be applied. For variable speed SI engines test cycle E4 shall be applied. For variable speed CI engines above 130 kW test cycle E3 can also be applied. Cycle E1, Mode number12345 SpeedRatedIntermediateLow-idle Torque, % Weighting factor Cycle E3, Mode number1234 Speed, % Power, % Weighting factor Cycle E4, Mode number12345 Speed, % Idle Torque, % Weighting factor Cycle E5, Mode number12345 Speed, % Idle Torque, % Weighting factor
October 2009Unit I/4 Annex I.B.2.4 Application of the engine family and choice of parent engine The engine manufacturer is responsible for defining those engines from his range which are to be included in a family. A parent engine shall be selected from an engine family in such a way that its emissions characteristics are representative for all engines in that engine family. The engine incorporating those features that are expected to result in the highest specific emissions (expressed in grams per kilowatt hour), when measured on the applicable test cycle, should normally be selected as the parent engine of the family.
October 2009Unit I/4 Annex I.B.2.5 Test fuels The test fuel used for emission testing shall meet the following characteristics: Petrol fuels Property RF Unleaded RF Unleaded minmaxminmax Research Octane Number (RON) Motor Octane Number (MON) Density at 15 °C (kg/m 3 ) Initial boiling point (°C) Mass fraction of sulphur (mg/kg) Lead content (mg/l) Reid vapour pressure (kPa) Vapour pressure (DVPE) (kPa) Diesel fuels Property RF-06-99RF-06-03RF-75-T-96 minmaxminmaxminmax Cetane number Density at 15 °C (kg/m 3 ) Final boiling point (°C) Flash point (°C) Mass fraction of sulphur (mg/kg)To be reported 300 (50) Mass fraction of ash (%)To be reported The Notified Body may accept test carried out on the basis of other tests fuel as specified in a harmonised standard.
European Commission has called a meeting of the “Experts Group” 11 February 2011 in Brussels, most likely without having formally adopted a draft text: Despite the RCD draft being ready for adoption for 2 months, the publication is delayed without any indication of possible progress due to a political argument between two DGs (Directorate General). As far as IMEC is informed the content of the RCD draft related to market surveillance authorities is the main issue. European Commission is not putting any pressure on the two concerned DGs to resolve the conflict.