School of Computer and Information Sciences FALL Orientation and Advising
AGENDAAGENDA Presentation and Handouts Sign one of the Advising Block Removal Sheets Handouts Slides Laptop Policy Specialization Check Sheets Presentation The People What you need to know about… Contacts
Administration School of CIS Main Office is in FCW 20 David Feinstein Dean Roy Daigle Coordinator–Info Systems Director, CIS Grad Program Michael Doran Coordinator-Com Science Computer Engineering William Owen, Coordinator-Info Tech Electronic Commerce Staff Kathy Ford Administrative Assistant Jennifer Nelson Receptionist Vickie Mitchell Receptionist/Secretary Theresa Thompson Academic Counselor Keith Lynn System Administrator
School of CIS Faculty Michael Black Debra Chapman Angela Clark Tom Hain Richard Johnson Thomas Johnsten Jeff Landry David Langan Herbert Longenecker Dawn McKinney Harold Pardue Gene Simmons Derrick Snow Robert Sweeney Yan Zhou Howard Whitston Melissa Smith
Complementing Courses Interpersonal and Communication Skills Mathematics Social and Ethical Issues in Computing Problem Solving & the Scientific Approach Object-Oriented Programming Networks and Data Communications Operating Systems Database Life-Long Learning CSC – ISC - ITE Academics in the School of CIS
Computer Science What is Computer Science all about? What kind of projects do Computer Science majors work on? Natural Sci Math Natural Sci Math Interpersonal and Communication Skills Mathematics Social and Ethical Issues in Computing Problem Solving & the Scientific Approach Object-Oriented Programming Networks and Data Communications Operating Systems Database Life-Long Learning Computer Science
Information Systems What is Information Systems all about? What kind of projects do Information Systems majors work on? Organizational Business Organizational Business Interpersonal and Communication Skills Mathematics Social and Ethical Issues in Computing Problem Solving & the Scientific Approach Object-Oriented Programming Networks and Data Communications Operating Systems Database Life-Long Learning Information Systems
Information Technology Technology Application Areas Interpersonal and Communication Skills Mathematics Social and Ethical Issues in Computing Problem Solving & the Scientific Approach Object-Oriented Programming Networks and Data Communications Operating Systems Database Life-Long Learning Information Technology What is Information Technology all about? What kind of projects do Information Technology majors work on?
What you should know about TRANSFER CREDITS to USA Statewide Transfer and Articulation Reporting System (STARS) Transfer agreements with Alabama Universities, Colleges, and Junior/Community colleges Five Areas Area I. Written Composition: Max 6 hours Area II *. Humanities and Fine Arts: Max 12 hours Area III *. Natural Sciences and Mathematics: Max 11 hours Area IV *. History, Social, and Behavioral Sciences: Max 12 hours Area V *. Pre-Professional, Major, and Elective Courses: Max 23 hours Transfer Credits are mapped into USA’s courses according to STARS and transfer agreements with other institutions * For Areas II-V, the transfer courses accepted depend upon selected major
What you should know about CIS CIS TRANSFER CREDITS Area V. Pre-Professional, Major, & Elective Courses. USA - AL JR/COM COLLEGE EQUIVALENCES USA COURSEJR/COM COLLEGE COURSE CIS 115 * CIS 197, CIS 211, or CIS 212 CIS CIS or CIS CIS 120CIS 251 or CIS 255 or CIS 285 * ABET accreditation requires ALL students to complete CIS 100, Information Technology in Society at the University of South Alabama
What you should know about beginning School of CIS courses CIS 100 Information Technology in Society—you will learn more about The role of Information Technology in Society Your professional and ethical responsibilities in Society Legal issues in computing Required of all Students—this includes transfer students CIS 101 CIS Freshman Year Experience—you will learn more about the University of South Alabama studying and managing your time effectively what assistance is available to students more about the three CIS majors: Computer Science, Information Systems, and Information Technology Required of all Beginning Freshmen and Transfer students with less than 15 transfer hour credit After completing CIS 101 you will be expected to make a choice of CIS major
What you should know about beginning School of CIS courses CIS 115 Introduction to Computer and Information Sciences— you will learn how to use a computer to solve problems how to how to represent your computer-based solutions using graphical diagrams document your computer-based solutions how to implement your computer-based solutions using a programming language simple concepts of Object Oriented Programming Prerequisite is a Math Placement score of at least 65 but not more than 75 or no Math higher than 115.
What you should know about beginning School of CIS courses CIS 120, Problem Solving & Programming Concepts I: Y ou will learn how to use a compiler and its debugging tools write programs involving sequence, loop, and decision to solve problems use simple and aggregate data structures make estimations of efficiency for simple algorithms prepare simple classes for object-oriented applications Prerequisite is a Math Placement score of at least 75 or Or Math Transfer of MA 120 or higher level completion of the equivalences of both MA 112 and CIS 115
What you should know about beginning School of CIS courses CIS 121, Problem Solving & Programming Concepts II: Y ou will learn how to design solutions to complex problems using abstraction design applications using new classes from existing classes write file management applications use dynamic data structures such as lists, stacks, queues in problem solving create event-driven applications and applets use testing strategies to thoroughly test algorithms Prerequisite is CIS 121
What you should know about… the Laptop Ownership Policy From the Bulletin: All students enrolling in any undergraduate or graduate courses offered by the School of CIS except for CIS 110, CIS 150, CIS 210, CIS 211, CIS 227, CIS 250 and CIS 500, are required to own a personal laptop computer system that conforms to the current School minimum published standards. This is a one-student one-machine requirement. Specifications (minimums are given below) Processor: Intel Pentium 4 or Celeron 2.8 GHz+, Intel Pentium-M 1.6 GHz+, or AMD Athlon XP Hard Drive: 40 GB or greater CD ROM: 24X or greater, CD-RW recommended RAM: 256 MB minimum, 512 MB recommended Network: Wired Ethernet 10BaseT required, Wireless b/g required (built-in or via PC Card adapter.) The School of CIS has a wireless G network. Modem: 56K V.90 Cabling: Phone and Ethernet patch cables “Wet ports” to connect to campus networks will be available for student use at many locations on campus Students may wish to add other equipment to their system. A laptop case A “USB key” drive as an alternate means of moving large files can be very useful too. A printer An external USB floppy disk drive – some ultra-portable laptops lack a built-in one.
What you should know about… Extra-curricula activities University—get involved with university life and student organizations About the SGA Help from CIS Senator Professional Activities Professional Organizations—get involved in the Student Chapter of the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM)
What you should know about… Advising/Scheduling/Registration Advising is Deciding… Which semester should a course be taken? What are some good supporting electives for your special interests Mandatory… Spring advising occurs during the Fall semester Summer & Fall advising occurs during the Spring Semester Registration blocks are set automatically each semester Scheduling is Deciding When to take a class this semester? Should three classes in a row be scheduled? Registration is done through PAWS PAWS can also give you advising information through the Degree Audit option.
What you should know about… Student Advising Responsibilities Study the catalog for specialization requirements contains descriptions of all programs and all courses in all programs Online at Prepare a plan for completing your degree Adjusting the plan each semester as necessary See for CIS advising assistance and links. Focus on PC courses REQUIRED 1xx and 2xx courses in a specialization area All PC courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better before enrolling in junior and senior CIS courses “I didn’t know it was required!” will NOT help you graduate
What you should know about… Semester Course Load The numbers… 12 hours/semester: MINIMUM full-time load for Financial Aid 128 semester hours: MINIMUM hours total for the BS degree for any CIS major 32 hours/year: AVERAGE course load to complete the BS in CIS in 4 years 16 hours/semester if attending only Fall and Spring 12 Fall; 12 Spring; 8 Summer if attending year round TRANSFER STUDENTS GENERALLY REQUIRE LESS TIME
What you should know about… Schedule Building 1. Decide how many credits you can carry 2. Select a balance between technical & non-technical courses 3. Whenever possible, choose PC courses first 4. Start your mathematics courses immediately 5. Build your schedule from the least frequently offered to the most frequently offered 6. Consider time for travel, study, work, etc.
What you should know about… Choosing your CIS major Placement in your first programming course and your first mathematics course depends on your Math Placement Score (MPS) A goal should be to complete the initial math courses so that there are no obstacles to entering the programming sequence. In general, CIS majors are advised as CIS General Studies major the first semester—each must take the following two courses CIS 100, Information Technology in Society CIS 101, CIS Freshman Year Experience (Transfers with < 15 hrs) Expected to make a choice of CIS major after CIS 101 You should decide on the major as soon as possible CIS General Studies check sheet and guide show courses that may be taken and applied to any of the three majors
MATH PLACEMENT SCORES If you received a score ofyou can enroll in 35 or moreDS 081 * 49 or moreDS 083 * 58 or moreDS 084 * 65 or moreMA or moreMA 113 (CSC Majors) MA 120 (ISC/ITE Majors) 80 or moreMA 267 (CSC/ISC/ITE Majors) 85 or moreMA 125 (CSC Majors) MA 110 is NOT an acceptable math course for any CIS major * Students who are placed in a DS course may not enroll in CIS 115 until they are permitted to enroll in MA 112.
The Math Placement Exam Advising today for… MATH: According to Your Math Transfer Courses OR Your Math Placement Score (MPS) COMPUTER SCIENCE Your Math placement AND Your Computer Science Transfer Courses
Contact Us! Main Office Phone: (251) Dean: David L. Feinstein Computer Science: Michael Doran Information Systems or Graduate Program: Roy Daigle Information Technology: William Owen Web School of Computer and Information Sciences University of South Alabama or
CAMPUS REGISTRATION FORM (WORKSHEET) SEMESTER/YR: FALL 2006 ADVISOR: DAIGLE Student Number Name Code Office-Use OnlyClassCollege J00______________ FRESHMAN SCHOOL OF CIS NameMajor CIS General Studies Course ID Office Use OnlyDeptCourseSecLab Credit Hours Audit HoursMonTueWedThuFriSatSun CIS X11:15am-12:05pm CIS101 2 XX11:15am-12:05pm EH XXX9:05-9:55 am CA110 3 DS08___4 TOTAL CREDIT HOURS 13 TOTAL AUDIT HOURS Dean's Approval for Probation Overload Dean's Approval for Credit Hour Overload Comments Date: MPS <65
CAMPUS REGISTRATION FORM (WORKSHEET) SEMESTER/YR: FALL 2006 ADVISOR: DAIGLE Student Number Name Code Office-Use OnlyClassCollege J00______________ FRESHMAN SCHOOL OF CIS NameMajor CIS General Studies Course ID Office Use OnlyDeptCourseSecLab Credit Hours Audit HoursMonTueWedThuFriSatSun CIS X11:15am-12:05pm CIS101 2 XX11:15am-12:05pm EH XXX9:05-9:55 am CIS XXX10:10am-11:00am CA110 3 MA1123 TOTAL CREDIT HOURS 15 TOTAL AUDIT HOURS Dean's Approval for Probation Overload Dean's Approval for Credit Hour Overload Comments Date: 65≤MPS <75
CAMPUS REGISTRATION FORM (WORKSHEET) SEMESTER/YR: FALL 2006 ADVISOR: DAIGLE Student Number Name Code Office-Use OnlyClassCollege J00______________ FRESHMAN SCHOOL OF CIS NameMajor CIS General Studies Course ID Office Use OnlyDeptCourseSecLab Credit Hours Audit HoursMonTueWedThuFriSatSun CIS X10:10-11:00 am CIS XX10:10-11:00 am EH XXX9:05-9:55 am CIS XXX11:15am-12:05pm X11:00am-12:15 pm CA110 3 CSCMA113 3 ISC Or ITE MA120 TOTAL CREDIT HOURS 16 TOTAL AUDIT HOURS Dean's Approval for Probation Overload Dean's Approval for Credit Hour Overload Comments Date: 75≤MPS<80
CAMPUS REGISTRATION FORM (WORKSHEET) SEMESTER/YR: FALL 2006 ADVISOR: DAIGLE Student Number Name Code Office-Use OnlyClassCollege J00______________ FRESHMAN SCHOOL OF CIS NameMajor CIS General Studies Course ID Office Use OnlyDeptCourseSecLab Credit Hours Audit HoursMonTueWedThuFriSatSun CIS X10:10-11:00 am CIS XX10:10-11:00 am EH XXX9:05-9:55 am CIS XXX11:15am-12:05pm X11:00am-12:15 pm CA110 3 MA267*3 TOTAL CREDIT HOURS 16 TOTAL AUDIT HOURS Dean's Approval for Probation Overload Dean's Approval for Credit Hour Overload Comments* Recommended—ISC/ITE may choose MA 120 Date: 80≤MPS
CAMPUS REGISTRATION FORM (WORKSHEET) SEMESTER/YR: FALL 2006 ADVISOR: DAIGLE Student Number Name Code Office-Use OnlyClassCollege J00______________ FRESHMAN SCHOOL OF CIS NameMajor CIS General Studies Course ID Office Use OnlyDeptCourseSecLab Credit Hours Audit HoursMonTueWedThuFriSatSun CIS100 1 CIS1153 TOTAL CREDIT HOURS TOTAL AUDIT HOURS Dean's Approval for Probation Overload Dean's Approval for Credit Hour Overload Comments Date: 65≤MPS <75 or no math higher than MA 115
CAMPUS REGISTRATION FORM (WORKSHEET) SEMESTER/YR: FALL 2006 ADVISOR: DAIGLE Student Number Name Code Office-Use OnlyClassCollege J00______________ FRESHMAN SCHOOL OF CIS NameMajor CIS General Studies Course ID Office Use OnlyDeptCourseSecLab Credit Hours Audit HoursMonTueWedThuFriSatSun CIS100 1 CIS1204 TOTAL CREDIT HOURS TOTAL AUDIT HOURS Dean's Approval for Probation Overload Dean's Approval for Credit Hour Overload Comments Date: 75≤MPS<80 and no transfer Math
CAMPUS REGISTRATION FORM (WORKSHEET) SEMESTER/YR: FALL 2006 ADVISOR: DAIGLE Student Number Name Code Office-Use OnlyClassCollege J00______________ FRESHMAN SCHOOL OF CIS NameMajor CIS General Studies Course ID Office Use OnlyDeptCourseSecLab Credit Hours Audit HoursMonTueWedThuFriSatSun CIS100 1 CIS1204 Dean's Approval for Probation Overload Dean's Approval for Credit Hour Overload Comments* Recommended—ISC/ITE may choose MA 120 Date: 80≤MPS or Transfer MA 125/267 or higher
ORIENTATION QUIZ! Who is the Dean? Answer: Dr. David Feinstein How many majors are there in CIS? Answer: 3 In which course do you learn about the university and the majors? Answer: CIS 101 What is the math placement score needed to get into the first programming course? Answer: 75 Who do you see if you have a problem? Answer: Ms. Thompson What math course is required of all CIS majors? Answer: MA 267 In which course do you learn about professional ethics? Answer: CIS 100 In which course do you learn about problem-solving? Answer: ALL CIS courses What is the name of the student professional organization? Answer:ACM What must you do before registering for courses? Answer: Be ADVISED