+ Monsanto’s Key Contributions to Precision Agriculture By Kaitlyn Nelson
+ Monsanto, the seed company? + Double yields by Three focus areas: + Breeding + Biotechnology + Agronomics + Integrated Farming Systems + Precision Planting + FieldScripts
+ Integrated Farming Systems Combines genetics and equipment technology to maximize yields
+ Integrated Farming Systems
+ Step 1: Precision Planting + Acquired May Independent subsidiary of Monsanto + Integral part of the Integrated Farming Systems + Products + Keeton Seed Firmer + WaveVision + 20/20 SeedSense Monitor + FieldView app for iPad
+ 20/20 SeedSense Monitor + Correct hidden mechanical problems + Adjust meters, vacuum pressure, transmissions and speed + Improve productivity with accuracy at higher speeds + Adjust down force
+ FieldView for iPad + Real time, row-by-row maps of planter performance + Connects straight to 20/20 SeedSense monitor + FieldView Plus adds sharing capabilties
+ Step 2: FieldScripts + First product from IFS platform + Creates yield management zone map based on yield history & fertility test + Selects best hybrid based on map & a proprietary algorithm + Prescribes variable rate seeding based on field & hybrid
+ FieldScripts: Yield Data + Focusing on plant density – combining row spacing & plant population + 40 hybrids at 5 populations from 23,000 ppa to 43,000 ppa & 2 row spacings, 20” & 30” on 60 sites, varying in yield potential
+ FieldScripts: Equipment + 20/20 SeedSense monitor & planter control system + FieldView app + Integration with other companies in the future
+ FieldScripts: How to Get Them + On-farm trials in 2013 in Indiana, Illinois, Iowa & Minnesota + Wide release to come in DeKalb dealers provide technical support & act as an advisor to each grower
+ The Future for IFS + Beginning stages + Variable rate NPK based on management zones + In-season fertility & disease management + Yield monitoring advances
+ “Science and the world’s best genetics married to the world’s best planter technology. That’s going to be the key to success.” -Gregg Sauder Founder of Precision Planting
+ Any Questions?