10 th Grade ELA Jump Start Your Planning for Next Year 9 th -12 th April 16, 2015 Tonja Neve and Jordan Augustine
An Area of Student Learning Progress & Why? An Area of Student Learning Stagnation or Challenge & Why? Reflection-The View from Up Here 4
Share Progress and Challenges 5
Introductions EQuIP Rubric / Phase III Task analysis of a framework Match standards activity Principles of Instruction Agree to the Norms of Collaboration Model planning for CF 1 PLC Planning Time Agenda 6
Basic Work Flow for Building District Curriculum Build Lesson plans Build Instructional Units Build Formative & Summative Assessments Build District Curriculum Frameworks Prioritize Standards Deeply Analyze State Standards
EQuIP Rubric and Phase III 8
Today’s Training-Culmination of Phase II 9 Application of All ELA Strategies
Today’s Learning Target What: I will increase my ability to plan precisely and accurately from an ELA Curriculum Framework. Why: This is important because…
Today’s Learning Target What: I will increase my ability to plan precisely and accurately from an ELA Curriculum Framework. Why: This is important because… How: I will know I’m successful when I can design aligned units/lessons with effective ELA strategies that help students learn.
Step #1: Highlight Title and Number of Days Examine the title and the # of days Planning with the Curriculum Frameworks
Step #2: Look at Priority Reading Standards first Priority means: Direct instruction or direct experience Most of the time is allocated to these standards Activities, rubrics, & assessments align to these standards Will be assessed (but will be revisited as supporting standards in other frameworks) Planning with the Curriculum Frameworks
Step #3: Highlight the Priority Reading Standards Think: What is/are the most challenging reading standard(s)? What text would satisfy those? Conclusion: (Share out) This is the of the CF
Planning with the Curriculum Frameworks Step #4: Highlight the Priority Writing Standards (use a different color highlighter) Narrative/Descriptive? Informative/Explanatory? Argument? Functional text (AZ standards)?
Step #5: Look at your priority writing standards. What type of writing is required in the framework? What kind of product are your students going to write to reveal their analysis of text? – Argument W.1 – Informative/Explanatory W.2 – Narrative W.3 Planning with the Curriculum Frameworks
Reading Leads to Writing… 17
Analyze the priority writing standards. 18
Build writing tasks based on reading standards Take active reading notes to gather evidence (R.1) 2. Start with paragraphs about theme (s).(R.2) 3. Build a character analysis essay. (R.3) 4. Compare our culture to the culture in the story. (R.6) OR Compare 1 st point of view story with 3 rd person point of view story. (R.6)
To really plan aligned, rigorous units and lessons, you need to carefully consider the depth of each standard… Getting to the depth of each standard… 20
Step #6: Task analyze the Priority Reading Standards (place in order for instruction) to forecast learning targets and select best text(s). – Break apart each whole standard to determine skills and concepts that need to be taught for student success – Determine the order in which you will teach the priority standards – Work as a table group first to order them – List possible texts/possible learning targets Planning with the Curriculum Frameworks
Now Label Your Framework… 22 Step #7: Number the order in which you will teach the standards on your framework.
Step #8: Match Writing Standards and possible products with appropriate Priority Reading Standards Example: Planning with the Curriculum Frameworks 1.(W.1 & 9a) Analysis of POV and/or purpose on-demand essay (w/R.9) 2. (W.1 & 9a) Effects of text structure paragraph(s) (w/R.5) 3. (W.1 & 9a) Theme development essay (w/R.2)
Planning with the Curriculum Frameworks Step #9: Weave in Speaking and Listening Priority Standards Discussion Skills Presentation Skills SL. 1, 2 & 3 SL. 4, 5 & 6
Planning with the Curriculum Frameworks Step #10: Layer in Priority Language Standards with the Reading and Writing Priority Standards Grammar and ConventionsVocabulary L. 1, 2, & 3 L. 4, 5, & 6
Step #11: Layer in all Supporting Standards. Planning with the Curriculum Frameworks Supporting may be a… Sub-skill of a priority Future or past priority standard that needs to be introduced or practiced A possible way to assess a priority standard
Step #12: Review other Curriculum Framework components. – Look at Instructional Suggestions, DOK, Learning Targets, Criteria for Success, and Key Vocabulary AND – Teacher Resources!!!!!!!!!!! Planning with the Curriculum Frameworks
Step #13-Plot CF timeline on calendar. Step #14-Plan lessons. (we will be doing this after the break) Planning with the Curriculum Frameworks 28
Step #15: Other Curriculum Framework Components – Look at Instructional Suggestions, DOK, Learning Targets, Criteria for Success, and Key Vocabulary Planning with the Curriculum Frameworks
What did you take away from this process of grouping the priority standards together in this Curriculum Framework? Title and length of time Reading Standards Writing Standards Speaking/Listening Standards Language Standards
Take 30 minutes Break! 31
Agenda: PLC Norms of Collaboration Calendar Planning Model thinking behind CF1 Lesson Planning Templates Walk through CF resources (may use your computers) PLC time to plan for a CF Welcome Back! 32
PLC Norms of Collaboration Pausing Paraphrasing Posing Questions Putting Ideas on the Table Providing Data Paying Attention to Self and Others Presuming Positive Intentions
Video Clip Watch a portion of this video clip of a 5 th grade team lesson planning from a framework on the History of the Westward Expansion. I see, I think, I wonder! Table conversations….. Planning with the Curriculum Frameworks
Independent (1 st ) PLC (2 nd ): Think of the anchor text you are currently using for CF1. What standards are in alignment with that text? What standards still need to be addressed? What supplemental materials can you pull in to meet those standards? Brainstorm Anchor Texts for CF1 35
Fahrenheit 451 RL.9: Analyze how an author draws on and transforms source material in a specific work W.9a: Analyze how an author draws on and transforms source material in a specific work RI.3: Analyze how the author unfolds an analysis or series of ideas or events, including the order in which the points are made, how they are introduced and developed, and the connections that are drawn between them. W.1: Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence. My rationale for the anchor text… 36
BEFORE plotting out timeline for CF: Identify Anchor Text(s), how many pages and/or lessons coming from the text(s). Identify Related Texts, how many pages and lessons form the text(s). Look at the CF assessment to gage how much time it will take to complete. Planning from a Curriculum Framework 37
Progression of filling in the calendar based on: District dates Common assessment Flex days (Schedule Changes, Etc.) Boot Camp Anchor text reading Activities/Supplemental materials Calendar 38
Calendar: District Dates 39
Calendar: Common Assessment(s) 40
Calendar: Flex Days (Schedule Changes, Etc.) 41
Calendar: Boot Camp 42
Calendar: Anchor Text Reading 43
Calendar: Activities/Supplemental Materials 44
What if there aren’t enough novels? Class sets Students purchase to reduce school fines Select a different text that still meets the same standards What if we can’t all get the same lab time? Schedule early! (Benefit of planning) Rotate where in the CF you need computers (Benefit of PLCs) Limit lab days in the department Cell phones / Personal devices Do teachers feel like they have lost their autonomy? Nope! We all have stories about how scheduling together has improved our individual methods of instruction. Scheduling conflicts? 45
Sample Lesson Templates 46
Get with your PLC team Let’s look at CF 1 online. Here’s how to access the frameworks: You can use your computers now! 47
Accessing the frameworks: 48
Teacher Resources: Check out the links! (Look for Louisiana Believes for lesson ideas) 49
You will use the rest of the time today to plan for your 1 st CF. With your team, fill out the calendars we have provided. Move on to daily lesson plans. Plan for CF 1 50
Electronic Ticket Out the Door Now open and will be accessible to staff until Monday April 20 th 4:00 p.m. es/ProfessionalDevelopment/Lists/TOTDApr16 /overview.aspx es/ProfessionalDevelopment/Lists/TOTDApr16 /overview.aspx