Promoting the use of SDMX WPTGS November 2009
Presentation contents: 1. What is SDMX? 2. SDMX: NSI Perspective 3. OECD SDMX work 4. How SDMX is used in sharing and dissemination 5. The SDMX Toolbox 6. Simplifying TIS data collection with SDMX – a proposal November
1. What is SDMX ? Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange XML based data exchange format Sponsored by 7 international organizations Standardisation for statistical data and metadata access and exchange Between NSOs and international organisations Within a national statistical system Within an organisation For dissemination November
2. SDMX benefits: NSI perspective SDMX can reduce reporting burden to and international institutions The use of SDMX can improve harmonisation, standardisation and integration processes inside an NSI International community can share experiences and software. Open Source culture. November
5 3. OECD’s SDMX work Promoting SDMX as the world standard –Recognised 2008 by UN Statistical Commission as preferred Generalise formats across domains –away from stove-pipes Using SDMX in and out of OECD.Stat –SDMX web serviceSDMX web service Joint External Debt Hub with BIS, IMF, WB NAWWE ComTrade with UNSD Data sharing with IMF (and other IOs) Education with Eurostat, UNESCO Providing data to commercial re-sellers
4. How is SDMX used in data sharing and dissemination? bilateral data sharing multilateral “hubs” –e.g. NAWWE –Eurostat Census Hub dissemination –e.g. OECD eXplorer / Gapminder –take data directly from OECD.Stat –Data exchange via web services re-distributors of statistics –e.g. Reuters or DataStream –take data directly from OECD.Stat November
5. The SDMX toolbox SDMX Transformations Package Graphical User Interface for XML data validation and transformations Excel SDMX Authoring Tool - create Excel spreadsheet from a Data Structure Definition (structure message) - generate a Generic Data message from Excel Data Structure Definition Database Tool - create and maintain SDMX data structure definitions; - based on (and requires) Microsoft ® Access Metadata Structure Definition Editor creates and maintains Metadata Structure Definitions and Metadata Reports October
6. Simplifying TIS data collection with SDMX – a proposal We would like to work with pilot group of NSIs to provide TIS data in SDMX (follow up on work of Mark Pollard, ONS) OECD will provide technical assistance and training to NSIs in use of SDMX Please don’t hesitate to volunteer ! October
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