StEP is divided into streams State Organisation Support Funding (SOS) Sport and Active Recreation Project Funding (SARP)
SOS - Overview Provides triennial (3-year) funding Funding is provided to peak state bodies to support the delivery of core programs and services as detailed in an organisations strategic plan Triennial funding period will be from 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2010
SOS – Who can apply? State Sport Organisations State Active Recreation Organisations Peak Industry Representative Bodies
SOS – To be eligible all organisations must: Be ‘not for profit’ Be properly constituted and incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act (1985) or have some other comparable legal status Be able to demonstrate good financial management through the provision of sound financial history/systems Have in place appropriate governance processes, policies and systems to meet industry, corporate and legislative responsibilities Have a *Strategic Plan that covers the triennial funding period ( ). *Please note: A Strategic Plan that covers activities for implementation in 2007 will be accepted. However, once the Strategic Plan has expired an updated plan that covers to 2010 will be required to be submitted to the ORS
SOS – In addition, State Sport Organisations must: Be affiliated with a NSO that is recognised by the ASC. If unsure check ASC website at: Be recognised by the sports NSO as the State body for the sport in SA Have an operable and current anti-doping policy that complies with SA Government Policy on Doping in Sport Have an operable and current Harassment Free and/or Member Protection policy/procedure
SOS – State Active Recreation Organisations must: Be the recognised State peak body responsible for the development/delivery of active recreation opportunities Have an operable and current anti-doping policy that complies with SA Government Policy on Doping in Sport Have an operable and current Harassment Free and/or Member Protection policy/procedure SOS – Peak Industry Bodies must: Be the recognised State peak body responsible for the deliver of programs/services to a specific industry sector
SOS – Who can’t apply? Organisations who are not a recognised peak body Organisation that have ORS grant acquittals and/or reports overdue Schools LGA’s
SOS – How will our application be assessed? Check of organisations eligibility; and That all required essential documentation has been provided. Acceptance of supporting documentation received after the closing date will be at the discretion of the ORS Applicants are required to provide all essential documentation to proceed to the next stage Stage 1: Initial Screening
SOS – Essential documentation Copy of organisation’s current Constitution and By-Laws Copy of organisation’s last financial year audited/certified financial statement Copy of your organisation’s current organisational chart showing paid and volunteer staff roles and responsibilities List of all current paid up affiliated clubs/organisations Copy of the organisations current Strategic Plan All applicants
SOS – Essential documentation Calendar of State/Territory and National Championship events that SA athletes will be competing in over the next 12-months (if applicable) Copy of your organisation’s Elite Athlete Pathway Model (if applicable) Copy of your organisation’s current Anti-Doping Policy (if applicable) Copy of your organisation’s current Harassment Free / Member Protection Policy (if applicable) State sport and active recreation organisations only
SOS – How will our application be assessed? (cont.) Stage 2: Assessment Process 1.Assessed against the general characteristics for each category Sport and Active Recreation organisations: Participation / Membership Base Finance (organisation’s annual turnover) Level of dependence on government funding Staffing levels Profile of activity (active recreation organisations) Capacity for elite development (sport organisations) Service provision to regional SA Proven capacity to deliver programs and services
SOS – How will our application be assessed? (cont.) Stage 2: Assessment Process Industry Representative Bodies: Level of industry support Finance (organisation’s annual turnover) Level of dependence on government funding Scope of influence Industry control/regulations Training and resources Industry promotion and communication
SOS – How will our application be assessed? (cont.) Stage 2: Assessment Process 2.Organisations ranked within each category Once placed in categories, organisations will be ranked against other organisations with similar characteristics and capacities to deliver programs/services, within the category 3.Funding allocation A level of funding will then be allocated to each successful organisation. The level of funding will be based on the funding bandwidth for each category and the relative placement of an organisation within the category Please note: Satisfying the SOS eligibility criteria does not guarantee the receipt of funding, therefore grant funding should not be deemed automatic or anticipated. In addition, successful applicants may receive funding for less than 3 years.
SOS Completing the Application Form
StEP – How do we apply? Carefully read the relative funding program guidelines to determine whether your organisation/project meets the eligibility criteria. If you are unsure, contact an ORS Grants Consultant If you are eligible, complete all relevant questions in the StEP SOS/SARP application form Send the completed application form with all required essential supporting documentation to the ORS by the closing date
StEP – Things to remember? Applications must be written or typed on the application form. An electronic type in version is available on the ORS website Ensure you answer all questions Where possible provide documentation to support your answers to questions Don’t write ‘War and Peace’ Faxed or s applications WILL NOT be accepted Please do not bind the application or use display folders Only support 1 copy of the completed application All essential documentation must be provided
StEP – Things to remember? (cont.) Two authorised members of the organisation must sign the application form (1 person must be a Board/Management Committee member) Grant Team is there to assist – happy to give feedback on draft applications It is not possible to approve all requests for assistance, therefore grant funding should not be deemed automatic or anticipated All funding is subject to the appropriation of finds through the South Australian Government budget process
StEP – Dates to remember Opened: Saturday 27 th January 2007 Closes: 5:15pm Tuesday 13 th March 2007 Applications postmarked on or before the closing date will be accepted Outcomes advised: it is anticipated that all applicants will be notified in June 2007
StEP – Contact Details David Nash Principal Grants Consultant Ph:
Thank you for your attendance. Please remember to complete the evaluation form and leave it at the registration desk.