Chapter Twenty-Two Using Presentation Software
Chapter Twenty-Two Table of Contents zMaintaining the Proper Focus: It’s a Speech, Not a Slide Show zUsing Microsoft PowerPoint: A Brief Guide
Using Presentation Software zMany presentation software packages can provide effective visual aids. zSpeakers who rely on electronic presentations run the risk of snafus because of technical errors.
Maintaining the Proper Focus: It’s a Speech, Not a Slide Show zAlthough electronic aids can ease your anxiety, your primary goal is to communicate with the spoken word, and through your physical being.
Using Microsoft PowerPoint: A Brief Guide zPowerPoint will allow to you to create slides with text, artwork, photos, charts, tables, graphs, video, and sound. zThis very slide show was created using Microsoft PowerPoint, and it was very easy!
Using Microsoft PowerPoint: A Brief Guide zToolbars zPresentation Options zViews and Masters zText Transition and Animation Effects zEntering and Editing Text zInserting Objects into Slides zRunning the Presentation
Using Microsoft PowerPoint: A Brief Guide: Becoming Familiar with the Toolbars zThe toolbar allows quick access to the programs most frequently used functions.
Using Microsoft PowerPoint: A Brief Guide: Becoming Familiar with PowerPoint’s Presentation Options zThe dialog box asks you how you will create a new presentation or revise an existing one.
Using Microsoft PowerPoint: A Brief Guide: Becoming Familiar with PowerPoint’s Presentation Options zThe AutoContent Wizard is best for those who aren’t familiar with PowerPoint. zThe Wizard sets up an index of slides with preloaded titles, points, and designs.
Using Microsoft PowerPoint: A Brief Guide: Becoming Familiar with PowerPoint’s Presentation Options zTemplate Options provide a medium amount of flexibility in designing graphics. zChoose from 48 templates to organize your own points, subpoints, and design.
Using Microsoft PowerPoint: A Brief Guide: Becoming Familiar with PowerPoint’s Presentation Options zThe Blank Presentation option offers the most flexibility. zUsers customize every aspect of the design.
Using Microsoft PowerPoint: A Brief Guide: Becoming Familiar with PowerPoint Views zPowerPoint 2000 provides three ways to view your aids: yNormal view ySlide sorter view ySlide show view
Using Microsoft PowerPoint: A Brief Guide: Becoming Familiar with PowerPoint Masters zPowerPoint creates a set of master slides for each slide you create, consisting of a: ySlide Master yTitle Master yNotes Master yHandout Master
Using Microsoft PowerPoint: A Brief Guide: Becoming Familiar with PowerPoint’s Text Transition & Animation zTransition effects add motion and sound as you move from one slide to another. zAnimation effects allow you to decide how to reveal slides during presentation.
Using Microsoft PowerPoint: A Brief Guide: Entering and Editing Text zOther than with a blank layout, when you choose a slide layout you replace the sample text in a placeholder with your own text.
Using Microsoft PowerPoint: A Brief Guide: Inserting Objects in Slides zPowerPoint allows you to create or import pictures into your slides: yClip art yCharts yTables and worksheets
Using Microsoft PowerPoint: A Brief Guide: Running the Presentation zYou can run an onscreen show by following these steps: yOpen presentation yChoose View yChoose View Slide Show or Slide Show yChoose All in dialog box yChoose Manual Advance or Slide Timings yChoose Show