The War Ends Chapter 24 Section 4
Nixon’s Re-election 26 Amendment-lowered the voting age from 21 to 18 Gave those that fought in Vietnam the right to vote Nixon defeated George McGovern in a landslide
Cease-fire Henry Kissinger meets with Le Duc Tho (NV) to negotiate an end to the war Cease-fire Pullout of foreign troops End of US aid New government in SV SV’s president rejects the agreement and the US supports him
Cease-fire NV demands reinstatement of the agreement President Nixon bombs Hanoi and Haiphong for 2 weeks Nixon ends the bombing and talks resume The parties make minor changes and declare a cease-fire Both sides declare victory US secretly agrees to come the SV aid if fighting resumes
Cease-fire SV military government collapses NV troops storm SV SV surrenders unconditionally Domino theory doesn’t materialize Communism wasn’t a unified world force
Effects of the War 500,000 SV civilian deaths 800,000 orphaned 1.5 million refugees fled Vietnam 730,000 fled to the US Economic Hardships Destroyed landscape
Vietnam Veterans 2 million US soldiers 58,000 dead 300,000 wounded 2,500 MIA Many lives were saved due to improved medical care Many paralyzed/severely disabled were able to live
Vietnam Veterans Soldiers faced hostilities of Am. public No parades People were angry Veterans were hurt by the public’s negative reaction They obeyed orders Thought it was in the country’s best interest
Vietnam Veterans Many turned to drugs, couldn't find jobs or were homeless Many got cancer from the defoliants (Agent Orange) Children had birth defects
Public Policy War shook Am confidence in govt Mislead during war Questioned how presidents could wage an undeclared war –Passed the War Powers Act Reaffirmed congress’s right to declare war Set a 60 day limit on presidential commitment of US troops to foreign conflicts
Economic Effects Cost $150 billion Contributed to national debt Fueled inflation Diverted fund from domestic programs
Healing the Wounds of the War Vietnam Veterans Memorial Designed by Maya Lin Names listed chronologically