“A place where every Mighty Pup is a successful learner today and a leader tomorrow.” 2010 District Goals Performance with a Purpose * GOAL* 2010 Reading 83%87%93%98% Social St.85%85%96%98% Writing 92%92%98%100% Math 70%75%84%90% Science 50%68%73%90% (*) denotes: TPM (Texas Projection Measure) 2010 CAMPUS Goals Performance with a Purpose /TPMGOAL* 2010 Reading 84% 87%91%/97%*98% Writing 96% 94%94%/99%*100% Math 76% 81%90%/94%*90% Science 59% 74%88%/89%*90% (*) denotes: TPM (Texas Projection Measure) TEA Exemplary Campuses Ed Downs Elementary Dr. Garza Elementary Sullivan Elementary TEA Acceptable Campuses San Benito High School Riverside Middle School Miller Jordan Middle School Fred Booth Elementary TEA Recognized Campuses Dr. C.M. Cash Elementary San Benito Veterans Memorial Berta Cabaza Middle School Judge Oscar de la Fuente Elem. La Encantada Elemenary La Paloma Elementary Landrum Elementary Rangerville Elementary Roberts Elementary
As our students make the transition from 2 nd to 3 rd grade and TAKS testing, we strive to provide our students the best instruction in order to help mold them into lifelong learners. In order to achieve our goal, we dedicate ourselves to instill the importance of the following: Daily attendance Academic achievement Positive attitude Our goals are: Reading TAKS 98% Math TAKS 90% We feel these goals are very attainable; therefore, we are asking for parental support by reviewing their homework, daily reading, and ongoing communication. Working together in a partnership, we can achieve your child’s success! Respectfully yours, Mrs. N. Rodriguez Mrs. L. Gomez Mrs. E. Sauceda Mrs. M. Zavala
Welcome to another exciting year at Dr. C. M. Cash Elementary! Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to come to our Parent Orientation Night. We are privileged to be your child’s teacher this year. The year ahead holds a great deal of opportunities for us all. We strongly feel that all students can learn and be successful, and we will do our best to help your child reach his/her full potential. Within our classrooms, we will work as a team to build a sense of community. You are also a very valuable member of our community; your support and encouragement from home is always needed and greatly appreciated. In the 2009 – 2010 school year we are committed to achieving the following TAKS goals: Reading98% Writing 100% Math 95% In order to help us attain these goals, we ask your assistance by ensuring that your child be present, on time, rested, and ready to work. As the year progresses, please let us know if there is anything we can do for your child. We look forward to a sensational year! If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s progress or experiences in fourth grade, please feel free to contact us. We may be contacted at 361 – 6700 from 1:20 - 2:05 or via . Your partners in education, Mrs. P. Alejandro Mrs. D. Mrs. C. Mrs. J.
“May the “Fours” Be With You” Team
As a team we are committed to deliver above quality education in the form of instruction, guidance, and support for all our students in 5 th Grade. We believe that through the increase of student attendance, achievement, and parental involvement our students will become successful life-long learners. Our 5 th graders have to meet the minimum requirements in the TAKS tests for promotion to the Sixth Grade. Percentage passing the TAKS tests were: Reading 90%Math 89%Science 88% In , our goal for students passing all 3 TAKS tests are: Reading 98%Math90%Science90% We ask the parents to help us reach our goal by having the students / their children: Be presentBe on time Come rested and ready to workCome prepared with supplies and homework Participate in class Behave in class Show respect Be courteous to each other By working together we believe that all Fifth Graders will learn and be successful. Fifth Grade Teachers, E. Garza C. Martinez (Mr. Quezada) A. Villarreal A. Walters F. Rodriguez – Science Lab
Thank you for joining us. Working toward an EXEMPLARY Year! With Exemplary Teachers, Students, and Parents.