Conference Update Shirley Wood TERENA Executive
TNC/CUC 2003 The best so far!
TNC/CUC Successes Some excellent speakers (Tony Bates, Ton Verschuren, Derek Law, Ken Klinginstein and Klaas Wierenga; Connectivity - excellent; Excellent conference support; CARNet support.
TNC/CUC 2003 – number of participants
Overall evaluation
-Slightly higher overall quality? -More of it => ‘Something for everyone’
TNC June 2004 Rhodes, Greece Hosted by GRNet
TNC 2004: University of the Aegean
Conference Planning Meetings October Programme Conference Organiser The University of the Aegean Hotels Social Programme Technical Issues
Programme Committee Chair: David ChadwickUniversity of Salford, UK Members: Artur BinczewskiPCSS, Poland Mauro Campanella GARR, Italy Peter ClarkeUCL, UK Jean-Paul le Guigner CRU, France Diego Lopez, RedIRIS, Spain Ted HanssInternet2 Victor ReijsHEAnet Ltd, Ireland Stelios SartzetakisGRNet, Greece KlaasWierengaSURFNet, The Netherlands Steve WilliamsUniversity of Wales Swansea, UK Shirley WoodTERENA
Programme One Step Ahead Main topics have been defined Keynote speaker search going on now Few identified Deadline for submitted papers 30 November 2003 Next Programme Committee meeting 13 January 2004 Main Sponsor to be identified Other sponsors sent information
Planned Sessions Grid developmentsMobility (2) e-learningSecurity Realtime applications (video, streaming)Light Last mile / campus networksLambdas Rollout of infrastructureVulnerability of the Internet Quality of Service, Measurement New transport technology developments Content Management and Semantic Web Authentication and Authorisation – federated models End to End (Power to the Users) – technical, service provision and policy Advanced collaborative environments – virtual reality, virtual labs, blogs, etc.
Other sessions TERENA Technical Programme TERENA Updates Recent results (2) 6Net (3) SCAMPI (2) MOME FP6
TNC 2004 Possible other meetings (after or partially overlapping): Cisco Hi-Tech event Juniper For more information:
TNC 200x “What do I need to know if I am interested in hosting a TERENA Networking Conference?
See you in Rhodes in June 2004