Overview of CEOS Actions in Support of GEO Work Plan Ivan Petiteville CEO ESA 1 23 rd CEOS Plenary I Phuket, Thailand I 3-5 November2009
Plan Overview Overall Status Lessons Learned The 23 rd CEOS Plenary I Phuket, Thailand I 3-5 November 20092
Overview The 23 rd CEOS Plenary I Phuket, Thailand I 3-5 November 20093
CEOS Support to GEO Multifold support: Coordination role – CEOS is Point of Contact for 11 GEO Tasks (out of 16 co-led by CEOS) Support to GEO groups: – GEO Committees, adhoc GEO groups (e.g. Target Team), GEO Task Teams Strong involvement of CEOS Support Groups: – 3 Working Groups, 6 Virtual Constellation teams, 8 CEOS SBA teams of experts, SEO – Many resources from CEOS Agencies The 23 rd CEOS Plenary I Phuket, Thailand I 3-5 November 20094
CEOS Groups The 23 rd CEOS Plenary I Phuket, Thailand I 3-5 November 20095
GEO Tasks/Sub-Tasks Co-Led by CEOS The 23 rd CEOS Plenary I Phuket, Thailand I 3-5 November only CEOS POC both CEOS & GEO POC
CEOS-GEO Actions Figures (March 09) In 2009, CEOS activities are related to 36 GEO Tasks (out of 115) + 93 GEO Actions (related to 36 GEO Tasks) + 59 “GCOS” Actions (related to CL-06-01c “Key Climate Data from Satellite Systems” ) – From 2008 to 2009, number of Actions roughly divided by 2 – 47 in Cat. 1 (top priority; significant outcomes or to be completed before Nov. 09) – 26 in Cat. 2 (other top priority) – 38 GCOS top priority Actions (21 from started in 2009 The 23 rd CEOS Plenary I Phuket, Thailand I 3-5 November 20097
CEOS Activities in Support to GEO SIT Chair has sought CEOS Agencies commitment to allocate the necessary resources to support all the actions Tag-up telecons with CEOS Principals in preparation for both SIT-23 and SIT-24 SIT-23 Tour de Table The 23 rd CEOS Plenary I Phuket, Thailand I 3-5 November 20098
Overall Status The 23 rd CEOS Plenary I Phuket, Thailand I 3-5 November 20099
CEOS Cat 1 Actions Overall Status (Oct. 7, 09) 14 Cat 1 Actions are “CLOSED” and 5 are about to be “CLOSED” – 8 Cat 2-to-4 Actions also “CLOSED” 21 Cat 1 Actions are on-schedule ( or with delays < 3 months). 6 Cat 1 Actions are significantly delayed (> 3 months) No status information received for at least the last 3 months for 2 actions The 23 rd CEOS Plenary I Phuket, Thailand I 3-5 November
Status (Oct. 7, 2009) CEOS GEO Cat 1 Actions Overall Status Status (Oct. 7, 2009)Predicted Status (Dec. 31, 2009)
Overall Cat Actions Status (Oct. 7, 2009)
Some Figures on Achievements (1/2) Major documents produced (at least 16 actions): – e.g. Ocean Surface Topography Constellation User Requirements; – e.g. Atmospheric Composition Constellation (ACC) Air Quality Workshop report and Gap Analysis Study report More than 30 new public datasets generated (at least 15 actions) – e.g. Optical and Radar data acquired for GEO FCT; – e.g. Real time malaria risk map, … – As in 2008, these datasets will be registered in GEOSS Registry
Some Figures on Achievements (2/2) About 13 Workshops and Training Courses organized (8 actions) – e.g. 2-weeks training course ‘Methods and Application of Ocean Color Remote Sensing in African Coastal and regional Seas’ (Ocean Colour Radiometry Constellation),… About 8 Web Portals set up or significantly upgraded (8 actions) – e.g. Solar Shield project ; – e.g. CEOS Earth Observation Handbook, …
Lessons Learned
Lessons Learned (1/3) 1.Overall Actions progress status similar to last year 2.Majority of Actions refer to activities planned independently of GEO WP but still their outcomes and deliverables are of interest to the User Community. Currently outcomes detailed only in CEOS IP v3.1 (not user-friendly !!) Publication and advertising even of “minor” achievements to be improved (e.g. on CEOS Web Site, or a potential CEOS Annual Report ) 3.Difficulties as CEO to manage some of those Actions because of lack / infrequent reporting More regular reporting expected from CEOS SBA Coordinators and actionees. Plan to go to on-line and more user-friendly version (still requires efforts from actionees). See proposal from SEO.
Lessons Learned (2/3) 4.Number of CEOS-GEO Actions could be reduced: Some actions run by a single Agency: Should involve more than one single Agency Should demonstrate that their accomplishment requires involvement of other agencies Actions that can be done by a single Agency should not be considered. Some current CEOS-GEO Actions do not deserve to be in that list e.g. Action leading to the publication of an article for a conference. Instead the article could be referenced on the CEOS Web Site ("news" page and "articles" page) or published in a CEOS Annual Report (more of an outreach orientation than CEOS IP)
Lessons Learned (3/3) 5.Management of some GEO Tasks co-led by CEOS to be improved: Improved coordination with other GEO Task co-Leads and Contributors More regular reporting (GEO Secretariat expects three reports a year)