by Veronica Soroka School of Dobrovody Uman district Cherkasy region 2011 Grammar games in teaching English
“Fun can transform a task or drill into a rewording game. It seems logical to suggest that an activity which is fun is going to be motivating”
The C-Wheel child
Games are the most serious classroom activity. Games are transparent rehearsals for life. Real games reflect underlying cultural and psychological frames. Games always have an aim and purpose. Games are fun and enjoyment.
The benefits of games Affective Lowers affective filter Encourages creative and spontaneous use of language Promotes communicativ e competence Motivates fun Cognitive Reinforces Reviews and extends Class Dynamics Student centered Teacher acts only as facilitator Builds class cohesion Fosters whole class participation Promotes healthy competition Adaptability Easily adjusted for age, level and interests Utilizes all four skills Requires minimum preparation after development
The criteria for choosing games Should have an aim and purpose Linguistic relevance Children should be able to participate Easy and quick to set up and carry out Fun for children
Types of games competitive cooperative speaking listening writing action vocabulary phonetic grammar
Games can be used in three ways diagnostically for checking-up revision
Tips for playing games Go for simplicity All children are involved You know the game Clear instructions Interactive language Be fair and firm Keep favourite games at hand Stop the game while the children are still “on task”
Advantages of grammar games Everybody is working at once Serious becomes fun Individual responsibility Teacher finds out what student knows
Sentence scramble break the we’ll in rains. classroom If time it at stay,
Find ten differences
Verbs to story PutRanSaw Put onWent inSaid Went outAte upJumped out WalkedPut onAte up StoppedLay downHeard PickedCameCame in SawKnockedKilled AskedSaidLived AnsweredWent in
Question board games
References 1.Свиридюк Т.В., Петрук С.П. Все про ігри. Методичні рекомендації. - Тернопіль:Лібра Терра Carol Read. 500 activities for the Primary classroom.- Macmillan Гис В.М. Методика проведення гри як засобу активної пізнавальної діяльності. – Англійська мова та література.6, Давыдова З.М. Игра как метод обучения иностранным языкам.- Иностранные языки в школе,10.