If you have an alternative arrangement for an SQA exam please register in SFL 15 minutes prior to the start of the exam.
Race for Life 2015 Sunday 14 June 12pm Holyrood Park, Edinburgh Completed forms and money should be returned to Miss Lyon by Friday 8 May at the latest. If you want to take part, collect a form from Miss Lyon
Maths Work – in Days Come along and get those last minute problems sorted out. N5 Maths – Friday 15 May. Higher Maths – Tuesday 19 May. Advanced Higher Maths – Tuesday 19 May. ALL IN THE MATHS DEPT.
S2 Science Students If you have been offered a place on the museum trip (INCLUDING RESERVES!) which is happening on Tuesday 12 May please come along to a meeting at 1.30 Tuesday 5 May in Room 123 (Miss Wallerstein’s room) IF YOU HAVE NOT HANDED IN YOUR PERMISSION FORM YET PLEASE DO SO ASAP!!!
Pupils going to Italy in June should return the forms which were posted to them filled in and signed. The meeting for Italy is on Tuesday 5 May at 6pm. Parents/ carers and pupils should attend. Italy Trip
Want to study Geology at uni? St Andrews University is running a free field camp for students interested in studying geology. It will look brilliant on your university application, you’ll meet new friends and learn loads about geology. Food, accommodation and transport to the course is provided. See Miss Hargreaves (room 120) for more details. She did something similar as a pupil and loved it! St Andrews University is running a free field camp for students interested in studying geology. It will look brilliant on your university application, you’ll meet new friends and learn loads about geology. Food, accommodation and transport to the course is provided. See Miss Hargreaves (room 120) for more details. She did something similar as a pupil and loved it!
New York A reminder that all slips and deposits need to be in by today. If you are still interested in going to New York, please hand your form into the Maths Dept.
New York City Some photos from this year, for information on how you can be part of next years trip see Miss Edmond in Maths room 303
Don’t miss out on your chance to visit Central Park and the rest of these amazing locations next year!