Joining Forces to support Farmer Entrepreneurship Agri-ProFocus Multi-stakeholder Workshop 18 – 20 November 2009 Entebbe, Uganda Welcome!
Opening address SNV Uganda: Mrs Jeanette de Regt – Director SNV Uganda Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Mrs Mariëlle Gerards – Head of Development Coorperation Government of Uganda Hon. Bright Rwamirama – Minister of State for Livestock
Introduction What does Agri-ProFocus stand for? Country focus on Uganda Hopes and objectives for our meeting in Entebbe
Agri-ProFocus: who are we?
Agri-ProFocus Strategy Agri cultural producer organisations in developing countries are key to economic development and poverty reduction. Pro moting farmer entrepreneurship through cooperation, exchange and learning is the goal of our partnership. Focus is on seven African countries and four themes: value chains, financial services, sustainable food production and gender
Country Focus: the Why Strategic objectives: Coordinating and harmonising existing efforts; Linking country programmes with learning and innovation. Identification and formulation of new joint activities; Preconditions: Work from & within existing efforts combine networks No new funding
Agri-ProFocus Uganda: who are we?
Country Focus: the How Programmatic Approach Inception Prep. country visit Sourcing interest members / other stakeholders Programming Overview matrix Inviting local stakeholders Synthesis paper Interactive agenda setting Multi-stakeholder workshop Identification – Formulation Defining Thematic / Sub-sector Plans Agree on Strategy Agri-ProFocus Uganda Actively collaborating and networking Synergy, building on existing work
Agri-ProFocus Uganda: who are we? continued
Farmer/Producer Organisations Farmer Entrepreneurshi p Financial Services IMF Private Sector Research & Learning Public Sector NGO’s, Service Providers Value Chains Sustainable Food Production Country Focus: the What
Workshop objectives 1.Defined the critical issues for promoting farmer entrepreneurship that APF Uganda network should address; 2.Identified possibilities for coordinated action in the APF Uganda network on these issues; 3.Agreement on a way forward: roles and responsibilities and follow-up steps. Engagement, energy and momentum on collaboration!
Programme Day 1 –Who is here? –Explore and define the critical issues on farmer entrepreneurship in Uganda Day 2 –Explore private sector issues –Explore principles of working together, build on positive experiences –Explore the opportunities for collaboration on the critical issues Day 3: –Develop action plans –Agree on a way forward for collaboration: joint actions, linking, learning
Programme today 9.00Opening addresses 9.30Intro APF and workshop objectives 10.00Who is here? – stakeholder mapping 10.45Coffee break 11.00Issues on Farmer Entrepreneurship in Uganda 12.00Identifying critical issues for APF Uganda network 13.00Lunch 14.00Group work: exploring the critical issues 15.30Tea break 16.00Feedback and reflection on critical issues 17.30Closing reflection 17.45Drinks / information market
Principles of working together! Cell phones … Laptops … Interaction … Respect … Keeping focused … Time keeping … Reflection on process …
Presentations APF synthesis paper Nelson Ofwono PELUM Uganda Stella Lutalo UNFFE Augustine Mwendya
Identifying the issues What are the critical issues on farmer entrepreneurship that the Agri-Profocus Country focus should addres?
The 7 Topics 1.Financial services 2.Farming systems and the relationship between farmers and service providers 3.Cultural Issues 4.Marketing 5.Farmer’s organisation 6.Land access and tenure 7.Policy level
Deepening the Topics – Group Work Objective: to explore one specific topic that APF could address in future, and identify the key issues that we could focus on within that topic. Outputs: 1) a ‘rich picture’ of the topic; 2) a list of 3-5 concrete issues that APF could focus on within this topic
Rich picture - example
Rich Picture - Example
Rich picturing - why develop it ? A drawing of a situation that illustrates the main elements and relationships that need to be considered in trying to intervene to create some improvement. A rich picture helps us to understand the complexity of an entire situation. It is a way of thinking holistically. A rich picture helps us to see relationships and connections that we may otherwise miss. ‘A picture tells a thousand words’. Developing a rich picture is also a good group exercise as everyone can add to it and use it to explain their particular interests or perspectives.
Steps to make a rich picture Put topic in centre. Draw other related issues, problems, underlying causes around it Draw the stakeholders involved and how do they relate to the problem Draw the relations (e.g. with arrows) Use words (e.g. a legend) to explain
After the Rich picture Discuss: for this topic, what is it that the Agri-ProFocus network in Uganda should focus on? Mark these issues on the rich picture and list 3-5 concrete issues on a separate sheet. To decide what issues to choose, use criteria such as: is it about pro-poor farmer entrepreneurship? Does it require synergies and collaboration in the network?
Go to Work Sign up for a group Get to your group Choose a facilitator and time keeper (instructions are provided) Participation: all can draw! Work until 16.00h (including tea)
Day 1 - Feedback Some Liked: Interactive, participatory methods Presentations Group work Time mgt Some Wanted to Improve: Expectations about and from Agri-ProFocus Time mgt: stricter / more time for discussions Do not loose emerging issues
Reflect On Day 1 Discuss in pairs Anything else you liked / did not like about yesterday What did you learn or gain from day 1? What implications start to emerge for your organisation, if any? Just discuss – no cards are needed
The 7 Topics 1.Financial services 2.Farming systems and the relationship farmers - service providers 3.Cultural Issues 4.Marketing 5.Farmer’s organisations 6.Land access and tenure (not done) 7.Policy level
Farmer/Producer Organisations Farmer Entrepreneurshi p Financial Services IMF Private Sector Research & Learning Public Sector NGO’s, Service Providers Value Chains Sustainable Food Production “All Topics Are Linked” NGO’s, Service Providers Value Chains Sustainable Food Production Farmers orgs Culture (farmers entrepreneurship Financial Services Policy Level (e.g. land) Farming systems & Services Market Access Value Chains Food Security
Reflection on Topics: Linkages Examples: Value addition Organisation of farmer’s groups, get voices heard Effective extension Collective marketing Market information and market requirements Capacity building Private sector as provider of services
Reflection on Topics: Things we missed Examples given: Exchange and learning Food security Certification Young Farmers Linking with government agencies
Programme Day Reflection day 1, programme of today 9.30Private Sector Engagement 10.45Tea break 11.00Expectations about Agri-ProFocus 12.30Implications on topics: prioritisation (start groups) 13.00Lunch 14.00Continuing group work: prioritisation 15.30Tea break 15.45Plenary presentations on priorities 17.30Closing reflection
Presentations Private Sector engagement Competiteness and Investment Climate Secretariat (CICS) Mark Amumpaire Ssemwanga Group James Ssemwanga
What are key constraints in the private sector that we could consider when we address the issues on farmer entrepreneurship as an APF network?
Expectations on the Agri-ProFocus Network Work from the perspective of the organisational category you are in (farmer org, research- learning, development org/donor etc). What is it you expect to gain from the network? What is it you intend to bring to the network? Steps: 1.Make 3-4 cards per organisation for your gains/things to bring 2.Put cards on the relevant sheet and organise cards with others from your category (take out duplications, group some cards)
Prof. Dr Otim Senior Presidential Advisor Head of Prosperity for All Coordination Unit
Topics Prioritisation Continue working on the 6 topics: Redefine the priority areas in the topic based on –The expectations about APF –Consideration for private sector concerns –Complementarity and synergy –Realistic and doable actions –Potential for impact and sustainability –Creating momentum for the network –Tangible: where Competition: which group takes the different critearia best into account?
Go to Work Sign up for a group (same or different) Get to your group Choose a facilitator, time keeper and presenter (instructions are provided) Participation! Work until (incl. tea breaks) Plenary presentation of priorities at 16.30h
Programme Day Reflection day 2, 9.00Developing Action Plans (continues until 10.45) 10.00Information sharing in APF (online platform) 10.30Group Picture & Tea break 11.00Presenting Action plans 12.00Way forward: APF Uganda country focus 13.00Official closing 13.15Lunch 14.00Coordination group meeting
Action Plans: The Topics 1.Develop effective financial services 2.Adoption of production enhancing technologies & Farmer-led research and documentation for effective value chains 3.Making existing market information more accessible 4.Facilitate an impact-orientated policy advocacy process 5.Strengthen viable economically active Farmer Groups to integrate in value chains
Action Plan: Focus: where will this action be ‘located’? Define the specific sector(s), region(s), value chain(s), etc Long term vision: achievement in after 2-3 years? 1-year Victory: concrete indicator after 1 year? Steps: define the actions for the first 3-12 months. Kick-off activity: the very first thing the group must Team: Appoint a ‘lead organisation’ (+ person) and support organizations. –Think about energy and capacity (competency and time)
Go to Work Sign up for a group: your commitment Get to your group Choose a facilitator, time keeper and presenter (instructions are provided) Work until Plenary presentation of actions at 11.00h (after group picture and tea)