Dog Kennel/ Grooming Salon Owners: Michelle Bowman & Alisha Neiman
Type of Business The Wiggly Tail Inn is a service business
5 Year Financial Goals: 1. Receive more input then output 2. To create a service-based company whose goal is to exceed customer's expectations. 3. To increase the number of clients per year through superior performance and word-of-mouth referrals. 4. To successfully raise a large sum of money to put towards the animal rescue.
Nonfinancial Goals 1.Develop strong relationships with our customers to receive repeat clients 2.Form and keep a good reputation within the community 3.All dogs are treated with love and respect, and go home happy
Profit: 1 st Year: -Gross Margin: $402,547 -Net Profit: $326,059 2 nd Year: -Gross Margin: $462,564 -Net Profit: $386,076
Letter to Potential Customers To all future Customers: The Wiggly Tail Inn is nestled in the beautiful area of Berks County PA, in the town of Wyomissing. Not only is The Wiggly Tail Inn suited to comfort your animals needs, it is also affordable for any regular family. We offer tender love and care to all of our residents and provide all different types of luxuries. Our luxuries include, hours of playtime with other animals, single, double, and triple suites to reside in, and a fully working grooming facility. We accept any kind of pet: pets with special needs, medications, disabilities, or any behavioral issues.
Plan of All Potential Problems - Not having enough customers Solution: promoting our business throughout more then just the Wyomissing area - Not having enough experienced staff Solution: making sure we screen all potential employees properly and accurately
Costs Fixed Costs: - Electricity: $250 to $300 - Internet & Phone: $100 - Employees: Manager- $13.00 an hour Groomer- $13.00 an hour Kennel Technicians (4): $7.25 an hour Variable Costs: - Bathing Supplies: $70 - Cleaning Products: $85
Inspiration The Wiggly Tail Inn was inspired by our love for all animals. There is a need for animal kennels due to family vacations and trips. Most of the time pet owners are not able to bring their pet and need a place for their furry friends to reside.
5 people interview 1. Mr. Coldren –Enjoyed the power point, said he thought we would be very successful, really enjoyed our flyer 2. Mr. Schaeffer –Enjoyed our sign and gave good feedback 3. Sherry Snyder –Liked our name, and offered advice with our survey questions 4. Grace Neiman –Thinks we will be successful, and have enough valuable information to start up a great business 5. Sharon Bowman –Loved our business name, thinks we will be great business owners because of our love for dogs!
Target Who: Families and Couples Income: 62,560 per Household Location of Home: Any
Customer Profile Demographics: –Age: 21 on and up –Martial status: Single, Couple, Married –Family size: 1 person on up –Ethnicity: any –Gender: any –Income: Psychographics: –Active and loving with their animals. Enjoys going on vacations and trips, and placing their pets into an estate. Use-based Data: –About 75% of families in the United States go on family vacations or trips –Live animal purchases: $2.14 billion –Pet Services: grooming & boarding: $3.79 billion
Survey We are opening a Dog Kennel/Animal rescue and we would like you as our potential customer to fill out this survey to see if our business will be successful. Thank you for your participation. 1.Age: 21 and under and over 2. Gender: Male Female 3. Do you have any pets? Yes No If so, what kind? Dog Cat Bird Other (specify)
Survey Part 2 4. What is your relationship status? Single In a relationship Married Divorced/Widowed 5. How often do you go one vacation? Once a year 2-3 times a year several times a year Never 6. Do you take your pets on vacation with you? Yes No 7. If you don’t, who takes care of them when you are gone? Kennel Friend Neighbor Other
Survey Part 3 8. Would you be willing to board your animal? Yes No 9. How much would you be willing to pay to board your animal a day? Would you want to have your animal bathed during their stay? Yes No 11. If so, would you to have your animal hair cut and or nails clipped? Just a bath Hair trimmed Nails cut Everything
Survey Part How much would you be willing to pay for your dog to be bathed with nail clippings? Small dogs: Medium Dogs: Large Dogs: Does your dog get along with other dogs? yes no 14. Would you want your animals to play with other animals or just stay by themselves?
Survey Results Our results from the survey showed us: -Highest age group: The gender was close to equal -Most participants had pets -Majority of them were dogs -Majority were married -Most people claimed they go on vacation several times a year -Majority said they don’t take their pets on vacation -Most said that they have a friend take care of their pets while away -Participants said they would board their animals -Most claimed they would pay 15 dollars a night, and the next highest said 17 -Majority of the people said they would have their dogs bathed and nails clipped -The small bath and nails: $9 Medium: $17Large: $23 -Most people claimed their dogs get along with other and would choose for them to socialize with other canines
Maintaining Customer Loyalty All employees must treat customers and pets with the utmost respect Make sure all customers are happy with their dogs stay All situations bad or good shall be handled properly and not ignored
Competitors Direct: Willorill Kennels Fox Beaumont D & D Kennels Kloee’s Cain 9 Kennels Peacock Bridge Kennels Cloud Nine Country Kennel Covered Bridge Boarding Estate Cold Nose Lodge K-9 Kampus Indirect: Petco Pet Smart
Short Term Goals The Wiggly Tail Inn would like to achieve a good customer repore with a large quantity of clients. –In order to achieve this we will have lower costs for high quality services and products for the first year.
Medium Term Goals The Wiggly Tail Inn would like to have a consistent revenue throughout each year. –In order to achieve this we will have special deals each year during the prime seasons/holidays that other competing businesses do not offer.
Long Term Goals The Wiggly Tail Inn would like to be one of the top favorite kennels within South- Eastern PA, along with the pet loving community. –To achieve this, we will continue to keep a good relationship with our customers, offer fair and affordable prices, and give all animals the love they deserve!
Product Mix Overnight stays: $15.00 a night Bathing for small dog: $9.00 Bathing for medium dog: $17.00 Bathing for large dog: $23.00 Grooming is charged by the hour: $30.00 Teeth and ear cleaning: $3.00 Private Walks (price per walk): $4.00
Pricing Objectives Outcome: Supplies/Utilities per month: $505 Employee costs per month: $5,744 Income: Kennel: $22,500 per month, may vary Grooming Salon: $16,047 per month, may vary
Pricing Strategy We will charge $15.00 for an overnight stay at our kennel. We will also charge $9.00 for the bathing and nail clippings of a small sized dog, $17.00 for a medium sized dog, and $23.00 for a large sized dog. These prices were determined through the results that were collected through our public survey. Grooming prices will be an hourly rate of $30.00, which will include a hair trimming, bath, and nail clipping. The prices for a teeth and ear cleaning will be $3.00. The Wiggly Tail Inn will also offer private walks for only $4.00 per walk. These prices were decided after considering what competitors were charging and what we thought to be a fair price.
Channels of Distribution Manufacture to Consumer
Company Policies All employees must treat the dogs with love, because that’s how their owners treat them. The customers are always right, and the employees must always make sure the clients are satisfied
Advertising Rates Berks-Mont News: –¾ page: $986 –Full Page: $1,314 –2/5 Page: $559 –½ Page: $698
Press Release The Wiggly Tail Inn, a friendly pet kennel, is located in the beautiful area of Berks County PA, in the town of Wyomissing. We offer a great service of pet loving and customer satisfaction. We accept any kind of family pet, with any kind of needs. Promotions and events are offered for all future clients.
Promotional Activities Coupon Give Away: 3 night stay receive a coupon for a FREE bath. Grooming Stamps: Stamp card given with first groom, each time you purchase a full groom receive a stamp. Once stamp card is full with 8 stamps, customer earns a FREE full groom! Annual Fundraiser for the Berks Humane Society: Pet friendly walk and run, along with a community picnic sponsored by us and other local businesses.
Partnership agreement partnership agreement
Location of Business 1. Which of the following areas are you going to place your business? Service 2. How did you come to the decision for the location on the map, what where your decisions based off of? We decided to locate our business in the Wyomissing, PA. We chose this location due to all of the open land/farmland and the population of the town. The town consists of a larger population but still remains a smaller and quaint town that will allow us to have a closer and personal relationship with our customers. 3. List all of the direct competitors within a 15-mile radius and if none list indirect competition. Rovin Hollow Kennels INC., Lessport Pet Resort, D&D Kennels, Oley Valley Pet Salon, Laura’s Posh Pooch, and Furry Paws Grooming Salon.
Job Chart Owners Michelle & Alisha Manager Groomer Kennel Technicians (4)
Employee Jobs 1. Manager (part time)- ($13.00 an hour + tips) in charge of scheduling workers, handling customers issues, inventory charting, scheduling dogs within the kennel and the salon, maintenance outside (yards), kennel technician jobs as well 2. Groomer (temporary)- wage ($13.00 an hour + tips) in charge of grooming (trimming hair), bathing, money within grooming salon, cleaning salon 3. Kennel Technician(4)(part time)- wage($7.25 an hour + tips) feeding dogs, taking dogs outside, cleaning kennels, cleaning the kennel, cleaning yards, scheduling dogs in kennel and grooming salon, bathing dogs, walking dogs, office work (working register, computer records, customer service) Bonus extras: free dog boarding, free dog bathing, ½ off full groom
Compensation Packages Each Position is either a part time or temporary job, packages where created based on job titles. Employees Packages include: –Manager: – wage- $13.00 an hour + tips –Bonus extras- : free dog boarding, free dog bathing, ½ off full groom –Groomer: – wage- $13.00 an hour + tips –Bonus extras- : free dog boarding, free dog bathing, ½ off full groom –Technicians: – wage- $7.25 an hour + tips –Bonus extras- : free dog boarding, free dog bathing, ½ off full groom
Employee Motivation In order to recognize our employees for their hard work we will be giving an award for employee of the month. The winner will receive a free dinner at any desired restaurant and a 50 dollar bonus!
Training Employee’s Manager: We will train them ourselves and have them shadow us until we feel that they are capable of working by their selves Groomer: They must have experience prior to hiring Kennel Technicians: We as well as the manager will teach them the job and have them shadow us until we feel as if they are suited to work alone
Job Flyer job flyer
The Kennel Customized build
The Grooming Shop
Vendors Local Vendors 1. Lion Country Supply - bowls: $742.50Supplies NeededSupplies Needed 2. Dog Kennels - bowls: $ Moore Pet Supplies - bowls: $2, Modular Dog Kennels and Pet Fence Systems - bowls: $6, Petco - bowls: $1,198.50