The Brain!
The Brain Facts About the Brain Brain Lobes & Functions How the Brain is Studied How the Brain is Studied Resources Concept Map Author’s Slide Quit
Facts About the Human Brain It’s the center of the nervous. The brain is located in the head and protected by the skull. It’s average weight is about grams. It’s about 75% water. The brain consists of about 100 billion neurons. Quit
Brain Lobes & Functions Right and Left Hemispheres Brain Stem Cerebellum Frontal Lobe Temporal Lobe Parietal Lobe Occipital Lobe Quit Click to Watch a Video on the Brain
Brain Stem Connected to the spinal cord Controls processes basic for survival, such as heart rate, breathing, digestion, and sleep Main route of communication throughout the body Quit
Cerebellum Second largest part of the brain Controls posture and balance Has a role in higher cognitive processes Quit
Frontal Lobe Behind the forehead. Needed for planning, memory search, motor control, and reasoning & speech. Includes the Motor Strip: controls fine movements and is organized by body part. Quit
Temporal Lobe Below temples, in front of ears. Needed for visual memory and hearing. Quit
Parietal Lobe Upper-rear of the head Registering spatial location, attention, and motor control. Includes the Somatosensory Strip: registers sensation on the body and is organized by body part. Quit
Occipital Lobe Near the back of the head. Needed for vision. Quit
How the Brain is Studied Neuroanatomy Electrophysiology EEG MEG Functional imaging Lesion studies Computation Genetics Quit