XML Working Group Joan Ugljesa NDIA PMSC August 7, 2007 949-722-7659.


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Presentation transcript:

XML Working Group Joan Ugljesa NDIA PMSC August 7,

August, Topics Review background and end objective Review where we are in the development process Current events Where to find schemas and related documents

August, Background What’s the purpose? Replace the existing (and limiting) ANSI X12 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) transaction sets (806 and 839) with an XML equivalent Provide means to exchange schedule, cost, and related auxiliary data in an industry recognized standard format Address formal government contractual requirements Facilitate data exchange for all parties – subcontractors, prime contractors, customers, program offices, internal management

August, What’s the End Objective? A library of schedule, cost, and auxiliary XML data components (data model and schemas) that can be used by the project management community worldwide regardless of industry Formal, published international standard (ISO, UN/CEFACT) that can be cited in contracts and requirements Software vendor neutral format Prevent new projects from reinventing the wheel – use standards based XML components in a web environment Consistent, standard approach means you save time and money

August, Schema Information Areas Targeted schemas for specific data exchange Can be used alone or combined Flexible – can be tailored to project needs Targeted schemas include: Schedule data – activities, milestones, relationship details, resource assignment details Cost data - Budget, actual, earned value, estimate (cumulative/at complete or time phased) Contract and project summary data Funding data Auxiliary data – reporting structures, calendars, resources, thresholds

August, UN/CEFACT Development Steps 1.Project definition* 2.Use Case Description (participants, process)* 3.Use case as UML model (basis for data model), UML activity diagram (sequence of events)* 4.Business Requirements Specification with high level data models* 5.Requirements Mapping Specification (detailed data description)* 6.Add any missing core components (ISO standard)* 7.Harmonization* 8.Schemas generated based on CEFACT design rules * - Complete

August, Development Plan UN/CEFACT Project ProposalComplete – Presented 9/05 UN/CEFACT Business Process Use CasesComplete – Presented 9/05 DCMA/Boeing St. Louis Proof of Concept Initial draft XML schema for trial use Complete 3/06 UN/CEFACT Business Requirements SpecificationComplete, Updated 12/06 Harmonization complete 11/06 UN/CEFACT Requirements Mapping Specification (data model) Draft XML schema for trial useDraft schemas are available, subject to change pending candidate release Implementation VerificationsBegan 3/06, continue through 9/07 Industry GuidelinesStill working on approach UN/CEFACT Published Schemas (candidate release)Final published in September, 2007

August, Where We Are/What’s Next Official schemas Delay in producing candidate release schema has been longer than anticipated Still waiting for final audit and schema generation Most likely availability: Late August/early September – will make the biannual UN/CEFACT meeting Last step: submit for final ratification at the next biannual UN/CEFACT meeting (September in Stockholm) Final schema/data model will be publicly available on various web sites including: DCMA CORE.gov UN/CEFACT Note: There is no fee or other requirement to be able to access or use the data model/schemas – they are publicly available to anyone who wants to use them

August, Current Events OSD Policy Memo signed on July 11 – Implementation of Central Repository System Use UN/CEFACT XML schemas to feed repository DCMA coordinating move to XML schemas Do need COTS vendors to support the schemas Anticipate update to CPR, CFSR, and IMS Data Item Descriptions (DIDs) to require use of UN/CEFACT XML schemas Still need industry guidelines Anticipate commercially available tools that support the data model and schema will assist in implementation and use

August, Current Events Working with software vendors to incorporate support for the data model/schemas OSD Central Repository activities created momentum Artemis, Dekker, Deltek, Planview (MPM), Primavera/Pertmaster  Pertmaster capability available mid August (Pertmaster V8)  Input/export schedule data using UN/CEFACT XML Schemas (prelease edition – will update as needed to match final schemas)  Convert data from various scheduling software tools including Primavera, Open Plan, MSP (98 to 2007) Other tools: GEFEG (use for home grown system gap analysis and data mapping to UN/CEFACT data elements)  Note: Most EDI translators will convert data to a UN/CEFACT XML schema (once you know how the data maps to a given data model/schema)

August, Where to Find Schemas DCMA – CORE.gov (Community Organization and Registration Environment) Link to Federal Enterprise Architecture (register components) DCMA is government sponsor for posted materials Chris Hassler - UN/CEFACT Project Editor  (you will need this address to register with CORE.gov)  Draft schemas along with complementary supporting materials can be found under the DCMA Community UN/CEFACT web site – will be posted once schemas are ratified

August, Other URLs for Reference XML.govxml.gov xml.gov/cop.asp (community of practice) UN/CEFACTwww.unece.org/cefact/index.htm UN/CEFACT TBG6 Working group history documents Available on the DAU web site: Note: you must be a member of the Earned Value Community of Practice to access the web site