WCO Asia/Pacific Regional Office for Capacity Building (ROCB A/P) Efficient and Effective Customs for Seamless Transport Network in Eurasia (Maritime Transport) Kazunari IGARASHI Head WCO Asia/Pacific Regional Office for Capacity Building (ROCB A/P)
WCO in Brief Sole Intergovernmental Organization specialized in Customs matters Established in 1952 as Customs Cooperation Council (CCC) Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium 180 Members Responsible for processing 98% of global trade
Preamble of the Convention Establishing a CCC (WCO) - 1950 to secure the highest degree of harmony and uniformity in Customs systems and study the problems related to development and improvement of Customs technique and Customs legislation to promote co-operation between Governments in these matters, bearing in mind the economic and technical factors Facilitating legitimate trade with efficient and effective Customs systems is a core mission of the WCO Development of instruments and tools Provision of technical assistance to implement thereof
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Revised Kyoto Convention SAFE Framework of Standards Risk Management Compendium Integrity Transit Authorized Economic Operator Time Release Study Guide Revised Kyoto Convention SMEs Informal Sector Data Model Single Window Compendium Globally Networked Customs Coordinated Border Management Information Exchange A set of the existing WCO instruments, tools and standards
Highlight of some of the existing instruments and guides Revised Kyoto Convention Simplify and Harmonize Customs procedures 102 Contracting Parties WCO Time Release Study Guide Identify bottlenecks for Customs clearance NOT for international comparison Performance measurement WCO Transit Handbook Essential measures in RKC Good practices by WCO Members Multi-modal transport
WCO SAFE Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade Customs – Customs Cooperation Customs – Business Cooperation Customs – Other Government Agencies Authorize Economic Operator concept Use of Pre-Loading Cargo Information Conduct of pre-export control by Non-Intrusive Inspection equipment Customs – Business Partnership Guidance Recommended practices Good practices by WCO Members Globally Networked Customs Concept A standardized way for Customs to exchange information A building block for seamless transport network
Coordinated Border Management Customs Immigration Agriculture Transport Port Authority Quarantine Environment Other Border Agencies WCO’s theme for 2015 Coordinated Border Management Compendium WCO CBM Compendium Practical examples in WCO Members Made available soon WCO “Single Window” Compendium Essential for CBM Supplemented by WCO Data Model for standardizing data format
WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement Lead to the implementation of WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement WCO Activities ECP RKC WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement WCO provides technical assistance to those in need under its “Mercator Program” (Launched in June 2014)
Thank you for your attention! For more information http://www.wcoomd.org http://www.rocb-ap.org Kazunari Igarashi Head of the WCO ROCB A/P igarashi@rocbap.org