OKCPS K-5 th Grade Academic Progress Folder
OKCPS is working diligently toward Clear, Consistent Parent Communication. A significant part of that effort involves consistent organization of student data.
Every OKCPS K-5 th grade student is provided with an Academic Progress Folder.
Each student’s Academic Progress Folder will be kept in a secure location in the primary reading teacher’s classroom.
Within OKCPS - the Academic Progress Folder will travel with the student grade-to-grade and school-to-school K-5.
When students transfer outside the district, a copy of the APP is sent to the receiving school with the records request. The Academic Progress Folder will remain at the student’s last OKCPS school.
This folder documents each student’s STAR assessments, instruction, and academic growth.
The folder provides current assessment data to be used when meeting with parents regarding their student’s levels of proficiency and instructional needs. It is also used throughout the year to guide conversations among members of the student’s Academic Team.
The folders are prepared by the student’s reading teacher prior to the September Parent-Teacher Conferences.
An Academic Progress folder is created for every incoming transfer student from outside the district. This folder should be prepared and ready for a parent conference within 35 days of enrollment.
The Academic Progress Folders must be up-to-date with midyear data prior to February Conferences.
Quarterly checklists are provided to help teachers ensure that the necessary documents are up-to-date. The quarterly checklists can be found here.here
Folders should be updated throughout the year and should be available to building, district, or state administration upon request.
Teachers are responsible for documentation from the date the student is enrolled in their class.
Creating the Academic Progress Folder
Students who were enrolled in OKCPS K-4 th grade last school year will already have a folder. These folders were kept in the office over the summer. If you have not received the folders for your students, please ask the office.
New Academic Progress Folders will be created for all Kindergarten students and 1 st - 5 th students who enroll from outside the district. New folders are purchased by your school and will be available in the office.
When creating new Academic Progress Folders, write the student’s Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial on the tab of the folder.
The Academic Progress Folder Document List indicates the student data that should be included for each grade level. The list can be found here.here
Three documents that were previously included in the Academic Progress Folder have been removed from the list.
The Early Literacy Proficiency Checklist is no longer required.
The Third Grade Nonfiction Reading Comprehension Quizzes are no longer required.
Third grade teacher are no longer required to print the Student Performance Report from each Edusoft Benchmark Assessment.
The documents that are no longer required were intended to support the creation of a individual portfolio for those students who read proficiently at the third grade level but do not perform well on standardized tests.
During the first quarter (and throughout the year) 3 rd grade teachers and principals should take careful note of students who read with comprehension on grade-level but struggle with test anxiety or other factors that could potentially cause low scores on standardized assessments. District-approved alternative assignments will be provided for specific students upon request to create a proficiency portfolio.
This screenshot provides a glimpse at the document lists.
The Academic Progress Folder Document List is stapled inside each student’s folder, on the side with the tab. Due to the updates, this year’s list will replace the previous list.
Documentation from the previous grade should be stapled (or clipped) into a grade-level packet.
The Academic Progress Plan (APP) describes the child’s current level of reading proficiency and the instructional supports and services used to help the child.
Every OKCPS student in K-5 th Grade is provided with a new APP each year. OKCPS APP for K-4 th grade teachers is available in English and Spanish here.here If you need this document translated into an additional language, please let us know.let us know
This screenshot provides a glimpse at the Academic Progress Plan.
A step-by-step guide to help you complete the APP is available here.here
The most recent report card is included in the folder.
Each student‘s folder contains the most recent STAR Diagnostic Reports for Reading and Math. The report is printed and placed in the student’s folder as soon as benchmark testing is completed- prior to data meetings and parent conferences. Step-by-Step directions for printing these reports are found here.here
This screenshot provides a glimpse at the STAR Diagnostic Reports.
Each student‘s folder contains the progress monitoring records from the previous quarter. The report is printed and placed in the student’s folder at the end of each quarter.
Currently, diagnostic assessments are not required in our district. Teachers who use diagnostic assessments place copies of the results in the folder. Teachers who do not currently use diagnostic assessments will simply mark through this item. Diagnostic Assessment Results
The student writing samples included in the Academic Progress Folder include only work that has been independently produced by the student at school. A writing sample should not be words that students copied from the board. Rather, it should be a true reflection of the student’s ability to correctly form letters, spell, and construct written thoughts. Independent Student Work
8/21/ 13 This screenshot provides a glimpse at a student writing sample.
The Language Instructional Educational Plan (LIEP) is included by the end of the third quarter for students who qualify as English Language Learners. Documentation of Support for English Language Learners
This screenshot provides a glimpse at the LIEP.
An Individual Student Data Sheet was provided for each student who attend Third-Grade Summer Reading Academy. Include that form in the Academic Progress Folder when applicable.
This screenshot provides a glimpse at the Summer Reading Academy Student Data Sheet.
A district-wide form is provided to track student attendance at Fall, Winter and Spring Intersession. It is available here.here Use this, or a similar form, to document the attendance of all students who were invited.
This screenshot provides a glimpse of what the document looks like.
A district-wide form is provided to track student attendance at after-school tutoring and mentoring. It is available here.here Use this, or a similar form, to document the attendance of all students who were invited.
This screenshot provides a glimpse at the Tutoring/Mentoring Attendance tracker.
A district-wide form is provided to track student completion of the Read-at-Home packets. It is available here.here Use this, or a similar form, to document the participation of all third grade students who were provided a packet.
This screenshot provides a glimpse at the Read-at-Home Completion Record.
An EOY Conference form is included for each 3 rd grade student. This year, an EOY Conference form will also be included for students who received “probationary promotion” to 4 th or 5 th grade last June. End of Year Conference Form
3 rd, 4 th, 5 th Grade ONLY This screenshot provides a glimpse at the EOY Conference Form.
A completed, signed Review of the Program of Reading Instruction is included in the folder of each student who was RSA Retained in 3 rd grade. This form is provided during EOY Trainings. Review of the Program of Reading Instruction
3 rd Grade ONLY This screenshot provides a glimpse at the Review Form.
After the completion of EOY assessments, ONLY the required documents are placed in order and stapled/clipped to create a grade-level packet. This packet is left in the folder.
The entire folder is placed with the student’s cumulative folder in preparation for next school year.
Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.contact us