Bohumil Musil State Phytosanitary Administration Plant Protection Products Section Postregistration Control Division Brno, Czech Republic May 6, 2010, Luxembourg
Czech Republic Pesticides Active Ingredients and PPPs Legislation Pesticides Active Ingredients and PPPs Usage Data Collection Pesticides Active Ingredients and PPPs Sales Data Collection
Act on the Plant Health No 326/2004, of the Collection of the Laws of the Czech Republic - in force on 31 May 2004 Usage data collection mandatory (§ 49, point 3 of the Act) Sales data collection mandatory (§ 60, point 1 a) of the Act) State Phytosanitary Administration, PPPs Section, Post-registration Control Division, Brno, Czech Republic, is responsible for collecting data
FAO statistics methodology for collecting usage data and pesticide types grouping is used Data are collected since 1952 using FAO summary simple form only, since 1964 up to now using form containing larger set of data
Collection of data from farmers on used PPPs for agricultural production once a year – records must be kept by farmers for 5 years for control purposes Paper form (obligatory) is just being changed using new ‚STATPOR‘ SW into e-records (voluntary for farmers, accessible by proper governmental control bodies on-line) Farms larger than 10 ha (vegetables, fruits, wine-yards and ornamentals - farms larger than 5 ha)
Both PPPs and active ingredients data are collected Data on the active ingredients are not provided but are available - based on the data on volume of formulated products active ingredints data are than calculated on the basis of their content in the PPPs
Pesticides usage data are in general collected by Volume (including batch No) Aggregated by chemical groups Aggregated by crops and crop groups (e.g. cereals, vegetables, orchards etc.)
All data accesible for Czech bodies and on request for EU MSs bodies and the European Commission For general public are accessible only the summarized data on the active ingredients volume for treatment of crop groups (not on the volume of certain PPPs – business confidential data!). Data are available for everybody in e-form on the State Phytosanitary Administration web site:
Change of collection of data from farmers Co-operation with Czech statistical office Using stratification to create condicitions for collecting data to represent of agricultural usage of pesticides Collection of data only from half of farmers who was up to now addressing
Pesticide sales data are collected since the 2 nd half of 2004 (as a new EU MS) Pesticide sales data collected nationwide
Collected from pesticides manufacturers, PPPs registration (authorisation) holders or their authorised representatives when selling the PPPs for placing on the market themselves, wholesalers and retailers Data are collected using written form once a quarter
Pesticides sales data are in general collected by volume (including batch No) Records on PPPs sales data are kept as business confidential data and thus are not published All data on PPPs sales are accessible for Czech bodies and on request for EU MSs bodies and the European Commission
Thank you for your attention!