Copy the Agenda and turn in to me the Agenda paper. Today you will be making a flyer for Extra Credit. HAPPY FRIDAY!!!
AGENDA – DIGITAL COMPUTER 1A DEC. 2, FRIDAY Extra Credit: Campaign Flyer (50 pts.)
HERE’S HOW TO DO IT: Google some information about the following topics: 1. Endangered Indian tigers 2. Whale hunting in Japan 3. Obesity in American children
Make a flyer that supports the fight against tiger hunting, whaling, or obesity. The flyer must contain appropriate pictures, title, borders, shading, and a campaign slogan. to me your finished work.
Assignments this Term: CW #1 (Hampton Hills 1a) CW #2 (Hampton Hills 1b) Project 6-1 (Sale Poster) Project 6-2 (House Map) Project 6-3 (Your own design) CW #3 (Hampton Hills 2) CW #4 (Diet Final and 3 other documents)
Assignments this Term: CW #5 (Voting Memo) CW #6 (6 documents) Project: Thanksgiving Poster Lab Test: Christmas Holiday Flyer CW #7: Bird Survey CW #8: 3Q Budget Project 2-2 & 2-3 Extra Credit (Campaign Flyer)