“Skate to where the money will be, not where it is now” - Christiansen Business model “Skate to where the money will be, not where it is now” - Christiansen
What is a Business Model? A business model describes the rationale of how an organization creates, delivers, and captures value. The business model is like a blueprint for a strategy to be implemented through organizational structures, processes, and systems.
The four main areas of a business Whom What How What is the outcome/Returns Whom - customers What - offer How - infrastructure What is the outcome/Returns - financial viability
The building blocks … Customer Segments An organization needs to understand who is their target customer. They may serve one or several Customer Segments. For whom are we creating value? Customer segment – mass market, niche market, segmented, diversified, customized
The building blocks … Value Propositions It seeks to solve customer problems and satisfy customer needs with a bundle of benefits. What value do we deliver to the customer? Which one of our customer’s problems are we helping to solve? Which customer needs are we satisfying? What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment? Innovative Similar to existing product but with added features May be customized Design Price Cost Reduction Risk Reduction Accessibility Convenience/Usability Customized as per the need of customers, May be distinct in design- as in case of electronic goods It may have the same features but at reduced price, It may reduce perceived risk in the form of guarantees, Made easily accessible to the customers. Sometimes the value proposition is based on needs of price sensitive customers viz., the Nano, a new car designed and manufactured by Tata.
The building blocks … Channels Value propositions are delivered to customers through communication, distribution, and sales channels. Through which Channels are Customer Segments to be reached? Can the Channels be integrated? Which ones work best? Which ones are the most cost-efficient?
The building blocks … Customer Relationships Customer relationships are established and maintained with each Customer Segment. They deeply influence the overall customer experience. What type of relationship does each of our customers want? Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them? Which ones have we established? How are they integrated with the rest of our business model? How costly are they? Dedicated customer service with personal interaction Automated services –online profiles of customers Creating communities to exchange knowledge Co-creation with web 2.0
The building blocks … Key Resources Key resources are the assets required to offer and deliver the previously described elements. What key resources are required for the value proposition? Does it depend on distribution channel, customer relationship or revenue streams? Physical Intellectual (brand patents, copyrights, data) Human Financial
The building blocks … Key Activities Key activities are the most important actions a company must take to operate successfully. What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require? Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue streams? Production Problem Solving Platform/Network
The building blocks … Key Partnerships The key partnerships describes the network of suppliers and partners (to acquire resource or reduce risk) that make the business model work. Who are our Key Partners? Who are our key suppliers? Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners? Which Key Activities do partners perform? Strategic alliances between non-competitors Coopetition: strategic partnerships between competitors Joint ventures to develop new businesses Buyer-supplier relationships to assure reliable supplies
The building blocks … Cost structure The Cost Structure describes all costs incurred to operate a business model- right from creating value proposition to delivering and maintaining customer relationships. What are the most important costs inherent in the business model? Which Key Resources are most expensive? Which Key Activities are most expensive? Are fixed costs high or variable costs? Value-driven, cost-driven, profit-driven
The building blocks … Revenue Streams Revenue streams result from value propositions successfully offered to customers. For what value are our customers really willing to pay? For what do they currently pay? How are they currently paying? How would they prefer to pay? How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues? Transaction-based, recurring revenues Sale of product/ service, Usage fee, Subscription Fees, Lending/Renting/Leasing, Licensing, Brokerage fees, Advertising Fixed pricing, dynamic pricing
The Business Model Canvas Key Partners Activities Value Proposition Customer Relationships Segments Key Resources Channels Cost Structure Revenue Streams Source: Business Model Generation, Alex Osterwalder & Yves Pigneur
“There’s not a single business model… There are really a lot of opportunities and a lot of options and we just have to discover all of them.” Tim O’Reilly CEO, O’Reilly