eStudent Support Services & Academic Quality That Help Drive Student Completion
Goals building online student support services to enhance persistence and engagement for students providing more accessible professional development for faculty to teach distance learning improving quality in distance learning courses
eStudent Support Services student orientation eLearning Orientation new student orientation online student services virtual front door eAdvising online tutoring (smarthinking)
Virtual Front Door
VFD usage exceeded performance indicator by 226% average of 331,665 page views per month
eAdvising Usage exceeded our performance indicator by 336% 26,222 students use eAdvising Percentage Increase in usage Year 2 to 3 129% Year 3 to 4 45%
eAdvising Usage by Student Modality
eAdvising Student Success
Online Tutoring Usage exceeded our performance indicator by 330% 9,121 sessions 8,909 smarthinking 212 Ohio consortium Percentage increase of usage Year 2 to 3 is 80%, Year 3 to year 4 is 88%
Smarthinking Usage by Student Modality
Online Tutoring Student Success Number of students satisfied
Online Tutoring Student Success
Online Orientation
web based eLearning orientation – tracking learning objects accessed by SNumber – student self selects lessons revised new student orientation – Over 1500 completed online NSO since September 2012 – interactive learning objects – tracking of completion of learning objects – integration with student information system to release hold on student registration
Persistence DL students semester to semester Fall 2011 to Spring 2012, 67% met performance indicator year to year Fall 2011 to Fall 2012, 44.9% exceeded performance indicator by 6%
Faculty Development exceeded our performance indicator by 197% 316 faculty completed the Level One workshops to be certified to teach blended or online courses
Teaching for Online Learning (TFOL) workshop A designing and building your course workshop B planning, managing, and teaching your course workshop C enhancing your course workshop D sharing your best practice
Academic Quality 15 faculty submitted courses for peer review exceeded indicator by 25% 18 courses quality matters recognized
Sample Dev Ed Courses created developmental Math and English Blended Courses math course has been taught by several faculty for the past six semesters institutionalized
Title III Blog
Thank You for Your Participation Dr. Christina Royal Sandy Moses
Supporting Student and Faculty Success in Distance Learning July 2008 receive approval to offer 3 fully online degrees 2008 college applies for Title III grant Oct 2008 college receives Title III $2 MM grant from department of education Nov 2008 steering committee in place Dec 2008 eight sub-committees formed Jan 2009 work begins
College Wide Inclusion Faculty Preparedness Teaching for Online Learning Academic Quality Quality and Course Design Master (Sample) Course Student Services Online Student Orientation Virtual Front Door Online Tutoring eAdvising Institutional Management Infrastructure and Technology
Lessons Learned inclusivity/diversity of buy-in let people get there on their own do your research…network, don’t re-invent the wheel importance of audience/user feedback usability testing importance of metrics flexibility for continuous improvement consider sustainability beyond the grant up front before you implement…if you can
Major Successes involved students in design & development virtual front door institutionalized eAdvising institutionalized sustainability discussions started early culture changed student success data college relationships built with eLi unexpected outcomes