Membrane receptor types Cell membrane G protein Receptor Channel Extracellular signal molecules Enzyme Receptor- channel Receptor-enzyme G protein-coupled receptor
Receptor-ligand complex Amplification Extracellular fluid Intracellular Cell membrane Receptor-ligand complex activates an amplifier enzyme (AE). Signal molecule Receptor signal molecules Target proteins
Intracellular pathways alter Signal molecule Membrane receptor Signal transduction by proteins Amplifier enzymes Second messenger molecules Protein kinases Increase intracellular Ca2+ Phosphorylated proteins Calcium-binding Extracellular fluid Intracellular Cell response initiates binds to Ion channel Receptor signal Target Response
Central Nervous System ANATOMY OF THE BRAIN Cerebrum Thalamus Frontal lobe Parietal lobe Occipital lobe Cerebellum Temporal lobe Fig. 9-9
Central Nervous System ANATOMY OF THE BRAIN Thalamus Hypothalamus Posterior pituitary Anterior pituitary Fig. 9-10
Central Nervous System ANATOMY OF THE BRAINSTEM Medulla oblongata Thalamus Spinal cord Midbrain Pons Fig. 9-9
Central Nervous System Cerebral hemispheres Cerebellum Cervical spinal nerves Thoracic spinal Lumbar spinal Sacral spinal ANATOMY OF THE SPINAL CORD Fig. 9-4
Overall Organization of Nervous System Fig. 8-1
Types of neurons Sensory or afferent neuron Interneuron Motor or efferent neuron
Neurons for smell and vision Types of neurons Sensory or afferent neurons Interneurons of CNS Motor or efferent neurons Somatic senses Neurons for smell and vision Dendrites Dendrites Axon Dendrites Schwann cell Axon Axon Axon terminal Axon Fig. 8-3
Types of glial cells Fig. 8-5 GLIAL CELLS form contains are found in Central nervous system Astrocytes Oligodendrocytes Microglia (modified immune cells) provide help form secrete take up create Scavengers K+, water, neurotransmitters Neurotrophic factors Blood- brain barrier Substrates for ATP production Ependymal cells Barriers between compartments Source of neural stem cells act as Peripheral nervous system Myelin sheaths Schwann cells Satellite cells Support cell bodies Fig. 8-5
Glial cells of the CNS Fig. 8-5 Ependymal cell Interneurons Microglia Astrocyte Microglia Oligodendrocyte Capillary Myelin (cut) Axon Node Ependymal cell Fig. 8-5
Schwann Cells Fig. 8-6 Cell body Nucleus Axon Schwann cell 1–1.5 mm Node of Ranvier Schwann cell nucleus Axon Nucleus Myelin Schwann cell Fig. 8-6
General structure of neurons Input signal Dendrites Integration Cell body Nucleus Axon hillock Axon (initial segment) Myelin sheath Presynaptic axon terminal Output signal Synaptic cleft Synapse Postsynaptic dendrite Postsynaptic neuron Fig. 8-2