Article, Blog and Journalistic Piece Writing
Article writing is writing about information in a formal way. Articles can become a research material for readers who are finding certain information about a specific subject or topic. Most of the time articles are written for an academic audience.
Blog writing or blogging is a form writing wherein the writer can add more information about the topic in a timely manner. Blog articles are usually posted online, the writer can either write a very informative topic or a personal journal instead.
Journalistic writing can also be called news writing. When a person writes a piece of news he/she must always be concise and factual. The writer cannot change a few words or phrases because the truthfulness of the story will be affected.
Understand your niche or audience Know your readers Add your touch of uniqueness Be passionate about your topic Find out more about the topic Gather reliable sources
Add a variety of material Outline Follow proper format Edit Be courteous to other writers Submit the finished article