First group Some students collected some information about relatives pronouns from internet;
Relative pronouns 1-Who;this pronouns can replace the subject 2-Who-Whom or that; can replace the subject. 3-Which or that ;this pronoun can replace (IT OR THAY)
Second group Some students go to library and collected some usage s of relatives pronouns;
1-Where; that use for places 2-When;that use for time; 3-Whose; that use to replace possessive pronouns possessive ‘ s and possessive adjectives
Whose can replace 1-POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS;LIKE (mine- yours-hers-his-ours-theirs) 2-POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES( my- your- our-her – his) Possessive ‘ s
Third group spoke about other words which belong to the same unit Some Any Each Every
ANY AnyoneAnythingAnywhere
ANY; we use it in negative and interrogative Like A-I Didn't meet anyone from my friends. B-Did you meet anyone from your friends?
SOME someone Somesomewheresomething
EACH Each thing Each where Each one
EVERY Every one Everything Everywhere
We use some in affirmative sentences, offers and requests Like A-Ali took some pens. B- I want to go to somewhere. C-Do you have anything to eat?
Fours group Some students make questions about what their partners did Like 1-put (whose) in a correct sentence ? 2-Read and correct the following sentences A-I do not need something. B-Can you speak some other language? 3-Choose the correct answers from a,b,orc A- ……… car is that? (Who-Whose-Who's) B-I took …. Pen. you-your-yours)
Fifth group they answered the fourth group questions like this 1-Ali met the man whose car had stolen. 2-a-anything B- any 3-a-whose B-your
Sixth group Some students write some pronouns for remembering: Relatives pronouns Possessive adjectives Possessive pronouns Subject pronouns whomymineI whomherhersShe whichhis He whenyouryoursYou wheretheirtheirsThey whoseouroursWe its It
Party group Aulad Salem Bahare prep school has honor to receive this certificate to ……………….. For their efforts in English subject. Headmaster teacher ……………….. ………………