Reported Speech Mgr. Žaneta Janečková Anglický jazyk Inovace výuky na Gymnáziu Otrokovice formou DUMů CZ.1.07/1.5.00/
Reported speech the exact meaning of what someone said, but not the exact words We can use: tell – followed by a personal object (e.g. told him) - can be used with these expressions: the truth, a lie, a secret, a story, the time, the difference, the way, one from another, one´s fortune say – doesn´t have to be followed by a personal object - if there is a personal object, we use a preposition to (she said to him)
- expressions used with say: good morning, etc., something/nothing,etc., so, one´s prayers, a few words Reported statements personal /possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives change according to the meaning of the sentence e.g. Amy said, “ I´m meeting my boyfriend after school.“ Amy said (that) she was meeting her boyfriend after school.
in reported speech introductory verb is in the past simple and the tenses change: Present Simple → Past Simple “I´m twenty,“ said Peter.→ Peter said he was twenty. Present Continuous → Past Continuous “I´m working hard,“ John said to me. → John told me he was working hard. Past Continuous (Simple) → Past Perfect Continuous (Simple) “I was working hard,“said Peter. →Peter said he had been working hard. 27. června 20124
Present Perfect → Past Perfect “I have finished my project,“ said John. → John said he had finished his project. WILL → WOULD “ I will help you,“ Jane said to Jim. → Jane told Jim she would help him. certain words and time expressions also change: now → then, at that time, immediately today, tonight → that day, that night 27. června 20125
yesterday → the day before, the previous day tomorrow → the next day, the following day this week → that week last week → the week before, the previous week next week → the week after, the following week two days ago → two days before here → there come →go 6
this/these – when used as time expressions → that (week)/ those (days) this/that/these/those – when used as adjectives (followed by a noun) → the e.g. “this cake ….“→ the cake….. - when used as pronouns (not followed by a noun) → it/they/them e.g.“This is a good idea.“ → He said it was a good idea. will/shall → would may →might 27. června 20127
can → could/would be able to (future reference) must → must /had to (obligations) shall → should (asking for advice) Reported questions change of word order usually introduced with: ask/inquire/wonder/want to know e.g. “What do you want me to do?“ she asked me. → She asked me what I wanted her to do. 27. června 20128
if there isn´t a question word, we use if/whether e.g. “Do you want an apple?“ she asked me. → She asked me whether/if I wanted an apple. Reported commands we use introductory verbs order/tell sb to (not to) + -inf e.g. “Don´t talk!“ he said to him. → He ordered him not to talk. 27. června 20129
Reported requests introductory verbs ask or beg sb + (not) to-infinive e.g. “Please lend me some money,“ Tim said to me. → Tim asked me to lend him some money. e.g. “Please, please don´t go away,“ he said to me. → He begged me not to go away. Reported suggestions introductory verbs suggest + -ing form/that sb (should)+ bare infinitive 27. června
e.g. “What about going to the cinema?“ he said. → He suggested going to the cinema. He suggested that we (should) go to the cinema. 27. června
27. června when the introductory verb is in the present, future or present perfect, we don´t change the tense e.g. He says,“ I love swimming.“ → He says that he loves swimming. when reporting the general truth, the verb tenses can either change or remain the same e.g. “Paris is the capital of France,“ the teacher said. → The teacher said (that) Paris is /was the capital of France.
27. června Použité zdroje DOOLEY, Jenny a Virginia EVANS. Grammarway 3. Newbury: Express Publishing, st ed. ISBN MURPHY, Raymond. English Grammar in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, nd ed. ISBN X. Všechny objekty použité k vytvoření prezentace jsou součástí SW Microsoft Office nebo jsou vlastní originální tvorbou autora.