No Taxation without Representation Obj: identify policies that affected the colonists
A Growing Debt Analyze visual Why did the British need to raise money? How did Britain plan to raise the revenue it needed? Why did the British leaders believe that this policy was “fair”? Did British or colonial subjects pay more toward the debt? How did residents of Britain and the American colonists pay their shares of the debt?
Colonists reactions to British Policies House of Burgesses passed resolution (official statement) stating only Virginia assembly had power to tax Virginia citizens Samuel Adams helps to form the Sons of Liberty Protestors burned effigies (large stuffed dolls made to look like tax collectors) Boycotts – refusal to buy English goods Daughters of Liberty – told colonists not to buy cloth from England
Summary questions Why did the British place new taxes on the colonists? Why do you think Samuel Adams and others formed the Sons of Liberty instead of just acting alone to express anger at the British policies? Was it “fair” for Britain to tax the colonies to help raise revenue to pay the debt from the French and Indian War? Support your answer with evidence. Activity: Illustrate one of the British policies or how the colonists opposed one of the policies