1 EPPOG meeting, October 2010, CERN Michael Kobel, TU Dresden Overview on particle physics resource collections in all countries Michael Kobel TU Dresden
2 EPPOG meeting, October 2010, CERN Michael Kobel, TU Dresden Resources of LHC Experiments Well sorted, long tradition ALICE – ATLAS: – CMS: – LHCb –
3 Via national HEP websites Austria – (no ressource collection, but news, head of the month, events, *blogs*, explanations about PP) UK – image library: learning resources: support f teachers: Sweden – (links elsewhere, some articles by swedish authors) Germany – „Yellow pages“(= collection of links national and worldwide) own talk collection, own teaching material collection, … – public physics portal of DPG (German Phys. Society) Lots of articles in „Die Welt des Allerkleinsten“ EPPOG meeting, October 2010, CERN Michael Kobel, TU Dresden
4 Via national HEP websites Italy – educational: multimedia: Portugal – science in general events for students did not find too much particle physics(?)… EPPOG meeting, October 2010, CERN Michael Kobel, TU Dresden
5 Via national outreach projects US – class room activities, cosmic ray elab, discover particles, and *much* more… Finland – target: students, teachers, university studying material for students in-service teacher training attending CERN lectures via Web many pages in finnish Slovakia – Slovak masterclass pagehttp://fyzika.uniza.sk/mc Germany – (masterclasses and much more) context material plannedwww.teilchenwelt.de EPPOG meeting, October 2010, CERN Michael Kobel, TU Dresden
6 Via national LHC websites UK – resources page: Germany – resources page: US – image database students and teachers news, event of the week… EPPOG meeting, October 2010, CERN Michael Kobel, TU Dresden
7 Via single national institutes I Spain –Centro Nac. de Física de Partículas, Astropartículas y Nuclear CPAN (LHC, CERN, Experiments) (own lectures and articles) –Outreach links of Fisica de Particulas (no own material) Germany –DESY students and teachers brochures, press image archive US –Fermilab, lots of educational resources, press images Austria –HEPHY Vienna –teachers resources: lehrer/unterrichtsmaterialien/ (not easy to find!) lehrer/unterrichtsmaterialien/ –Images and brochures: EPPOG meeting, October 2010, CERN Michael Kobel, TU Dresden
8 Via single national institutes II Czech Republic – Norway – Portugal – France – Greece – Denmark – Poland – EPPOG meeting, October 2010, CERN Michael Kobel, TU Dresden
9 Pending Planned collection: –Switzerland (not yet existing sites) No collection: –Bulgaria No answer –Belgium –Netherlands –Hungary (no EPPOG member currently) EPPOG meeting, October 2010, CERN Michael Kobel, TU Dresden