DNA Fingerprinting
Variation in Human DNA Of 3 billion nucleotides in human DNA more than 99% are identical Of 1% that are different significant amount of code variations
RFLPs For every 100 nucleotides inherited there is one site of variation, or polymorphism These DNA polymorphisms change the length of strands cut by restriction enzymes Fragments: restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) RFLP ANIMATION hill.com/olcweb/cgi/pluginp op.cgi?it=swf::535::535::/sit es/dl/free/ / /bio20.swf::Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms hill.com/olcweb/cgi/pluginp op.cgi?it=swf::535::535::/sit es/dl/free/ / /bio20.swf::Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms
Short Tandem Repeats Most DNA in a chromosome is not used to code for genes More likely to find differences in these regions which do not seem to be essential to an organism’s development Regions contain sequences that repeat many times (e.g. GTCAGTCAGTCAGTCA)
What can STRs Tell Us?
Link Between RFLPs and DNA Fingerprinting Difference in fragments leads to a DNA Fingerprint Scientists have identified more than 3000 RFLPs in the human genome Distinct RFLP patterns can be used: to trace family relationships, to track genetic disorders, in forensics, understand more about endangered species
Accuracy of DNA Fingerprinting Accurate to within 1 in 1 billion
Gel Electrophoresis Review: Agarose Gel Agarose: extracted from seaweed Heated Melts Solidifies and forms a matrix of microscopic pores
Agarose Concentration Size of pores depends on the agarose concentration The lower the agarose concentration, the larger the pore size Usually use from 0.5% to 2%
Gel Separation Charge: buffer, power supply, DNA Size: cut into pieces by restriction enzymes, small pieces move easier through the pores
Loading the DNA Loading Dye used to help visualize when loading the gel Used for tracking the progress of the gel Does NOT bind to the DNA
Visualizing DNA Visible Light Stain (Usually Blue) UV Light Stain (Ethidum Bromide)