INTRODUCTION Grade 10 is a major decision point You are setting the stage for your senior program Choose wisely so you have the prerequisite courses for grade 11
On-Line Course Selection On-Line this year [December 13 th – January 9 th ] View status of your diploma requirements View details of successfully completed credits View your attendance record Available to you and family anytime of the day
Accessing the On-line System Available through school website: Google search Erindale Secondary School Click on the Course Selection button Log on using your Student Number and the password is your date of birth [YYMMDD] Detailed instructions are at the website
What will the screen look like?
What If I Do Not Have Web Access? No Problem! Use the computers at school in the library or the Guidance Department English Tech Business Math Co-op Science Social Scien ce choices Moderns
Questions?? Talk to your Guidance Counsellor Talk to your Teachers Talk to your Parents Talk to your Friends/Relatives
How Do I Decide Which Courses? Carefully consider the level of study in English, Math and Science Consider how you have done in Grade 9 To continue at the academic level you should have achieved about 70% Consider the pathway to your intended destination - Is it Apprenticeship, College or University
Compulsory Courses ENG2P0 or ENG2D0 [English] MFM2P0 or MDM2D0 or MEL3E0 [Math] SNC2P0 or SNC2D0 [Science] CHC2P0 or CHC2D0 [History] CHV/GLC2O0 [Civics/Careers]
Optional Courses Begin with the end in mind: –Consider future career goals –Consider courses in areas that you enjoy –Modern Languages?, Business?, Technology?, Arts?, Phys. Ed.?, Social Science? –Plan your High School Pathway to get you to where you want to go
Summary Option selection is an on-line process –Access through the Erindale website –Option selection is available from December 13 th to January 9 th, 2012 –Options must be selected by January 9 th When complete you must submit a signed verification report to your home room teacher by Wednesday, January 13 th Talk to your Counsellor, Teachers and Parents for information and advice Forgot your password? – See your counsellor