BSILI Leadership Inquiry How do we move our campus from “awareness” to “piloting” by Fall 2012?
As a Result of this Session You will: Understand how to use Switch Framework for making organizational change Know what to do to build support for Acceleration or Reading Apprenticeship on campus Be ready to use inquiry to move beyond “awareness” Have a roadmap (& “to do” list) for FA12 pilot
Session Activities A. Engaging the Elephant - Motivate your Team B. Directing the Rider - Generate your Plan C. Clearing the Path - Make Movement Easier
Engaging the Elephant
Find the FeelingFind the Feeling Shrink the ChangeShrink the Change Grow your PeopleGrow your People
Let’s apply “Engaging the Elephant” Reading Apprenticeship Review campus data Read compelling articles about RA Participate in RA online Identify mini moves for Acceleration Review campus pipeline data Check out info on 3csn - Acceleration page Participate in webinar Identify mini moves for
Directing the Rider
Find the Bright SpotsFind the Bright Spots Script the Critical MovesScript the Critical Moves Point to the DestinationPoint to the Destination
Let’s apply “Directing the Rider” (part 1) Reading Apprenticeship Who is on your RA team? When would you meet? What mini move is to be piloted ? What changes do you expect as a result of the mini move? Acceleration Who is on your Acceleration team? When would you meet? What mini move is to be piloted ? What changes do you expect as a result of the mini move?
Let’s apply “Directing the Rider” (part 2) Reading Apprenticeship Are there useful baseline data to be collected or generated? Are there useful data to be collected or generated during the pilot? Are there useful data to be collected or generated after the pilot? Are there rubrics, protocols or frames to be developed to look for patterns in your data? Acceleration Are there useful baseline data to be collected or generated? Are there useful data to be collected or generated during the pilot? Are there useful data to be collected or generated after the pilot? Are there rubrics, protocols or frames to be developed to look for patterns in your data?
Clearing the Path
Tweak the EnvironmentTweak the Environment Build HabitsBuild Habits Rally the HerdRally the Herd
Let’s apply “Clearing the Path” Reading Apprenticeship Pedagogy Instructor training Participating sections Syllabus Activities/handouts Textbook/materials Assignments Communication with dept and division Acceleration Registration Marketing Class schedule Curriculum (approval) Teaching assignments Textbook/materials Syllabus Communication with dept and division
Let’s Put it All Together Elephant Rider Path