“Fast Track” at the U of O CASN Doctoral Forum May 27, 2010 Kirsten Woodend
Goal of the doctoral program at U of O to prepare scientists capable of conducting innovative research that results in new and significant contributions to nursing knowledge students engage in creative thinking, critical appraisal and synthesis of scholarly work in their field of interest using a wide range of philosophical, theoretical and methodological perspectives
Fields Evidence Informed Decision Making in Nursing and Health Care Nursing Practice and Delivery Systems Sociopolitical, Educational and Historic Contexts of Nursing
Usual admission requirements Honours baccalaureate degree and a master's degree in nursing or a related discipline Minimum overall average of 75% (B+) Key areas of required knowledge: research methods, statistics, and nursing theory Applicants without a master's degree in nursing may be asked to take qualifying courses Research competence can be demonstrated either through the completion of a master's thesis or through projects completed during nursing practice or as part of a non-thesis program.
Degree Requirements Residency (full-time registration) for six sessions or two years Four core courses (12 credits): –NSG7100 Theoretical and philosphical perspectives in nursing (3cr.) –NSG7102 Research methods / Design problems in nursing (3cr.) –Advanced Qualitative or Quantitative research analysis techniques (Based on student's need) (3cr.) –NSG7110 Doctoral Seminar (3cr.) Two electives (6 cr.) NSG9998 Examen de synthèse / Comprehensive examination NSG9999 Thèse de doctorat / PhD thesis
The Traditional Trajectory BScN Experience MScN PhD 4 years 2 years 2-4 years 4-6 years … and the total is 12 years at best
Program Plan
Fast tracking = transfer from MScN to PhD Transfer must take place no later than the end of the fourth session of study Students must have completed the four core master’s courses with a CGPA of at least 8.0 Required documentation 1.Two letters of recommendation (least one academic addresing potential for doctoral studies, as indicated by their research and leadership) 2.CV 3.Narrative statement describing: How the PhD will enable them to achieve their career goals; Brief description of the proposed research project including statement of the research problem, justification of research project, relevance for the nursing profession and an overview of the study design. 4.Signed letter from a potential thesis supervisor supporting
The ‘Fast Track” Trajectory BScN 1 year of MScN PhD 4 years 1 year 3-6 years … and the total is 8 years ……6 for a 2 nd entry student
“Fast” Program Plan Complete comp exam by Aug 30 Thesis approval & ethics CONVOCATION