using technology to enhance educational experience
educational experience? enhance? technology?
consider learning questions of convergence look at some examples brainstorm
what are we learning?
what kinds of models?
when the first model is used in a typical classroom, its disadvantages can be mitigated…
when the first model is used in an online classroom, its disadvantages become glaring…
so what possibilities exist for the second model in our classrooms?
convergence culture = participatory culture Henry Jenkins, Convergence Culture
participatory culture ¥ relatively low barriers to artistic expression and civic engagement ¥ strong support for creating and sharing one’s creations with others ¥ informal mentorship/apprenticeship ¥ members believe their contributions matter ¥ members feel some degree of social connection with one another new media literacies white paper
more and more students will come into our classrooms socialized into such processes
challenges ¥ participation gap — unequal access ¥ transparency problem — how do media shape our perceptions? ¥ ethics — breakdown of traditional socialization that might prepare young people for public roles as creators
new skills necessary ¥ play ¥ performance ¥ simulation ¥ appropriation ¥ multitasking ¥ distributed cognition ¥ collective intelligence ¥ judgment ¥ transmedia navigation ¥ networking ¥ negotiation
how to enhance? respect engage learn
five opportunities (at least) ¥ collaborative, participatory ¥ insight into student learning ¥ access to primary sources ¥ overcoming geography and time ¥ attending to cultural contexts ¥ support for multiple intelligences
The preceding presentation was based in part on: “What difference does it make: Digital technology in the theological classroom” available at: