Multiple Intelligences Howard Gardner: “ We should also place equal attention on individuals who show gifts in the other intelligences: the artists, architects, musicians, naturalists, designers, dancers, therapists, entrepreneurs, and others who enrich the world in which we live. “
Linguistic Intelligence “Word Smart” Reading, Writing Essays, and Speeches.
Logical-Mathematical “Numbers or Logic” Students enjoy working with numbers and devising strategies in order to solve a problem.
Spatial Intelligence Works well with pictures. Usually very good at reading diagrams and maps.
Musical Intelligence Enjoy learning things to a rhythm or beat and typically store things in long term memory when information is taught this way.
Intra-personal They are reflective and enjoy learning about issues that take pondering in order to figure out the answer.
Bodily Kinesthetic Enjoy learning through movement. Have to feel it through movement in order to remember it.
Interpersonal Enjoys learning and working in groups.
Naturalist Enjoys learning by using nature and what happens in the world around us.
NCTM States: “Students have different abilities, needs, and interests. Yet everyone needs to be able to use mathematics in his or her personal life, in the workplace, and in further study. All students deserve an opportunity to understand the power and beauty of mathematics. Students need to learn a new set of mathematics basics that enable them to compute fluently and to solve problems creatively and resourcefully.”
BUZZ Place questions on note cards. Have note cards numbered and taped on walls around room. Have students number paper for questions. Have students spread out, preferably 1 student per card. Have them move clockwise. Every time you say buzz they move until all questions are answered.
Electro Boards You can use an electro-boards for early finishers or students who need extra help. You can have students make them as a project or you can have several pre-made for them to use as interventions. Have student copy questions off board, show their work and then check their answers by using the continuity tester. If the light bulb lights up then they are correct.
Differentiate The Assignment Make up 3 or more different assignments with same goal in mind yet different ways of getting at the same answer.
Design a Metric System Foldable -has to include all of the prefixes if metric -has to have notes on the foldable that explain how to use the foldable in order to solve problems. -has to be colorful and creative
Create a jingle or rap: -has to explain how to solve a problem using the metric system -Has to rap or sing it to the class. -Has to write down lyrics of the song or rap to be graded on accuracy.
Write a fairy tale Math Problem -has to include fairy tale characters -must include at least 3 different parts that must be solved in order to get the final answer. (3 separate conversions in one problem). -must be about converting measurements. -must write at least 2 fairy tale problems for credit.
Create a Power Pointe Presentation -must include notes and teach how to convert in the metric system. -must have pictures and visuals. -must incorporate sounds.
Walk the Number Line Place tape on a hard floor and number it about 2 feet between each number. Make sure you have enough negative numbers and positive numbers to work some addition and subtraction problems. Have students stand at zero. Explain that for a negative number you walk to the left and for a positive number you walk to the right. If there is a minus sign it tells us to walk to the left. Have students walk out several problems. Example. –4 – 2. Student starts at 0 and walks to his left 4 and then walks to the left 2 more and and when they look down they will be standing at the answer of –6.
Number line/Clothes line Have a piece of yarn, one for each row of students you have in your class. The yarn show be hung at head level from one end of the classroom to the other end. Place several paper clips on the yarn. Hand out to each person in the row a card with a number on it. Have them leave the card face down on the desk until you say go. When you say go each row will compete to see how quickly and accurately they can place the numbers in order from least to greatest.
Differ the Test/Assignment Have a test that has several questions from each section. Allow students to choose a few questions from each section to answer. Ex. Fraction Test: Has 40 questions, 10 addition, 10 subtraction, 10 multiplication, 10 division. Students choose 5 from each section to answer.
Notes in Color Some students actually remember better when notes are in color. You may want to highlight words or give different sections of notes in different colors.