TRAINING IN TWO PLACES In the workplace and at school/college. Unlike “on/off-the job” training, an apprenticeship mainly takes place in the workplace, combined with the necessary theory.
LEGAL BASIS The apprenticeship contract is a legal document between apprentice and the employer governing working conditions and wages. In other words, it’s a “real job”
FIXED STANDARDS Fixed standards for the content of apprenticeship practice and theory (and the relationship between the two) are recognised at a national level These standards are developed in cooperation with social partners (such as Trades Union) and relevant public/private organisations.
GUIDANCE Careers advice and guidance, as well as training content and methods, keep up with technological and economic developments in the workplace.
INDUSTRY INVOLVEMENT Chambers of commerce, sectoral organisations and other relevant institutions have a significant role in the development of apprenticeship training; in advising enterprises and apprentices; and in the training of trainers. (e.g. master craftsmen).
TRAINING AND STANDARDS Chambers or any other concerned institutions control the training (and the standards) followed in workplace Public authorities control and inspect the training undertaken at school/college.
FINANCING Training enterprises/employers finance the practice element in the workplace. The financing of the theoretical part is done by public financing.
QUALIFIED STAFF The training is delivered by qualified staff: in the workplace by trainers (e.g. master craftsmen) who fulfil national required standards such as qualifications and experience.; for the theoretical element in school, staff are recruited following criteria and standards recognised at national level.
ASSESSMENT Validation of skills by exam/assessment has the participation of experts from the relevant economic sector (eg: chambers, professional organisations etc.).
ACCESSIBILITY Apprenticeships are accessible for people with additional support needs as well for very gifted people. The enterprise/business is solely responsible for recruiting its own apprentices.
INTEGRATION Integration of apprenticeship into the national systems of training. Apprenticeship training is part of a training pathway, which can open access to continuing professional development and to higher education/university.
So – how does Poland measure up to the standards?