Sixth South West Maths Consultants Annual Professional Development Conference 26 th September 2007 Exeter Golf and Country Club Theme of the conference is:- assessment for learning as a support for improving teaching and learning in mathematics.
Programme 9:30-9:50Registration and coffee 9:50-10:00 Introduction 10:00-12:45 Guest speaker: Jeremy Hodgen (coffee break at 11:00) 12:45 – 13:30 Lunch 13:30-15:15 Group discussion (LA networking) 15:00-15:30 Plenary 15:30Refreshments and departure
Conference Information Dr Jeremy Hodgen Jeremy teaches at Kings College London. His work on assessment for learning includes Mathematics Inside the Black Box, He is currently directing Increasing Confidence and Competence in Algebra and Multiplicative Structures (ICCAMS), a large project investigating how teachers can best implement formative assessment strategies in maths at Key Stage 3. There are many research studies pointing to the value of formative assessment and feedback, but at the same time there is a great deal of evidence highlighting the difficulty of actually implementing this in real mathematics classrooms. Jeremy's talk will address this problem drawing on research from the UK and around the world. LA Initiatives As in previous years we would like to suggest that each LA prepares a handout (minimum-one side A4) which outlines any new initiatives, gives details of publications, websites, resources, projects, working groups etc. These should be ed to Anne Hyne by the 9 th September 2007 for inclusion in the conference pack.
Booking your place The cost of the conference is £75. Booking may be made online, by phone or by returning the form below to the Dorset courses team. Name of LA: Participant’s Name: Dietary requirements: LA Order number: Name and address to be invoiced: Post to: South west Maths Advisers C/O The courses Team, Pupil and School Improvement, Children’s Services, County Hall, Dorchester DT1 1XJ Phone: Website: