International Atomic Energy Agency Nuclear Data for the Production of Therapeutic Radioisotopes: Background, Objectives and Expected Outputs 1 st RCM, IAEA Vienna, June 2003 R. Paviotti-Corcuera (Technical Officer)
International Atomic Energy Agency Overall Objective To improve the accuracy and completeness of the data needed for the optimum production of therapeutic radioisotopes accurate cross sections and decay schemes are essential to define both the specific activity with confidence and the purity for safe therapeutic application
International Atomic Energy Agency Background Consultants’ Meeting IAEA Vienna, 27 Feb - 1 Mar Purpose To discuss scientific and technical matters related to the specific research objectives - basis for preparation of official proposal
International Atomic Energy Agency Consultants’ expertise in fields of: a)medical treatment with radioisotopes, b)production of radioisotopes for medical applications with reactors and accelerators, a)evaluation of neutron and charged-particle cross sections. Documented in INDC(NDS)-432, April Approved by IAEA in July 2002 To be implemented from 2003 to 2006.
International Atomic Energy Agency Specific Research Objectives Established Radioisotopes: Therapeutic radioisotopes that have established clinical use (Table 1). Emerging Radioisotopes. Potentially interesting radioisotopes for which medical applications have been demonstrated (Table 2).
International Atomic Energy Agency Table 1: Established Therapeutic Radioisotopes. Nuclide T /2 E max (MeV) Production route R/A * 32 P 1.7 -31 P(n, ) R 32 S(n, p)R,A 89 Sr 50.5d 1.5 - 89 Y(n, p)R,A 88 Sr(n, ) R Table continues in the paper
International Atomic Energy Agency Table 2: Emerging Therapeutic Radioisotopes. NuclideT 1/2 E max (MeV)Production routeR/A/Dec * 64 Cu 12.7h 0.6 -63 Cu(n, ) R 0.7 + 64 Ni(p, n)A 64 Ni(d, 2n)A 64 Zn(n, p)R Table continues in the paper
International Atomic Energy Agency Production routes: nuclear reactors charged-particle accelerators data for most of the reactions are presumed to be available in the literature. Therefore, emphasis will be focused on compilation and evaluation to produce the recommended data assembled in a user-friendly form. Only a few reactions will require new measurements.
International Atomic Energy Agency Specific Tasks Reactor-produced radioisotopes: Compile and evaluate the XS from 0 to 20 MeV, generate point-wise numerical data and graphical data, recommend evaluated XS D educe spectrum-averaged data and validate by comparison with experimentally-measured data from the literature Undertake new measurements when required
International Atomic Energy Agency Specific Tasks Accelerator-produced radioisotopes: Cross sections as a function of energy up to 40 MeV, generate point-wise and graphical data, recommend evaluated XS Compare the deduced integral yields with the experimental thick target yields available in the literature Undertake new measurements when required
International Atomic Energy Agency Both cases: Experimental data and references that are NOT in EXFOR must be reported to the Nuclear Data Section Database in ENDF-6 Problems related to the specific activity and the presence of impurities should be addressed when these effects are considered important for the therapeutic application Decay data of the therapeutic radioisotopes must be checked, and data from the most recently published evaluation(s) included
International Atomic Energy Agency Expected Outputs Electronic database for use in Production of Therapeutic Radionuclides. (radionuclide, production route, validated evaluated cross sections as a function of energy, decay data (half-lives, beta-decay energy spectrum, gamma-ray emission probabilities, Auger electron spectra, etc) in ENDF-6 format Printed version of the database, TECDOC report IAEA-NDS Worldwide Web online access to database and CD-ROM.