Words Into Equations
Attendance Markers Information Sheet
Homework 4.B 5.D 6.C
Foldable Fold the paper like a hamburger. Then, fold each flap into the center so you have 4 long sections. Now fold the whole thing in half like a hamburger again. Open that fold. Cut half way on that new crease on each side. Label each section on the cut side as shown on the next slide
Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division This is where you should have cut.
Now, on the inside, under the appropriate flaps, you will write the words in a problem that tell you to use that operation. For example, sum means add. Look at page 10 in the green math books for some help.
What words mean addition? Sum All together Add in all Total from now longer Taller Plus Both Together increased by
What words mean subtraction? Difference Subtract How many more How many less How many are left Ago Shorter Smaller Decreased by Fewer Sold how many are not Sent Left Still Take away Less than Remain Change (money problems)
What words mean multiplication? Product Twice Every Multiply by Of Times By (dimension)
What words mean division? Quotient Divided byEvenly out of one Unit price Share equal groups each Half for a fraction Split Separated Cut up Parts Sharing something
Finish the back with a partner.