Using e-learning to deliver key strategic training to a very diverse work force ‘Safeguarding’
College Profile 22,000 Learners 100 different nationalities / 70 languages Age profile : 5 to 70 Offer : Entry Level to MBA c1500 staff (FT-PT-VT-Consultants)
Our Work force
e-culture Resources e-learning InfrastructureSystems Support / Training Resources / content E-learning Curriculum
Integrated Systems
Our approach to Safeguarding Highest priority & commitment Approach complement our own ‘Learner First’ strategy Key Committee Chairs: Curriculum & Quality / F&GP / Audit / ‘Impact’ and not just another initiative Mandatory Safeguarding training will be completed by all staff members informing them of the policy and procedure to follow if a disclosure is made. Form an integral part of the organisations’ systems, processes and controls Key Strategic Training
Step 1: External expertise to inform Time to train Impact / Assessment Pace Reference Tracking and Feedback
Our Solution To develop an online centralised resource accessible for the whole college community
Hotline for staff and students 3 step reminder Quick access to forms The strategy “In a Nutshell” Strategic and policy documents
Safeguarding officers contact details Guidance Training Reports Online support for staff
47% of staff completed the training in the first two weeks 92% completed with in time frame
Rate the structure of the training Completers
Impact ‘At Risk’ strategy E-RAG alert system Increase in referrals Staff confidence E-Wrap Around support Business processes Review of systems Duty Manager guide Staff recruitment Monitoring & Reporting Learner engagement Publicity campaign Tutorial / ECM Lesson Plans E-safety