A getly analysis is reinventing the way a business conducts advertising and marketing. Why be good when you can be great…..for free
The GETLY motto is our mission: Get Everyone To Like You “ ” What do your customers think of you? Do they like you? Do The GETLY team was created to provide support to small to mid size businesses and their presence get ly intransitive verb \get-lee\ Verb 1. Pertaining to or in reference to an online review get ly verb \get-lee\ :in reference to an online review GOgetly.com
What do your customers think of you? Do they like you? Do The GETLY team was created to provide support to small to mid size businesses and their presence get ly intransitive verb \get-lee\ Verb 1. Pertaining to or in reference to an online review get ly /get-lee/ :to have reference to an online review The GETLY BENCHMARK and the GETLY QUARTERLY Getly.COM consulting provides two types of getly reporting. The GETLY BENCHMARK provides the baseline analysis by Providing a benchmark of your business to two others. Your business will be reviewed, ranked and compared to Two additional businessess of your choice. To get the most of your getly typically your two benchmarks are who you Consider your main local competitors. Once a GETLY BENCHMARK is complete the next step is a quarterly monitoring report. Every three months we will run a Getly status to monitor your online presence. What is a getly report? A proper getly report will provide an understanding of how customers rate a business based off their online reviews. Getly reports are a strategic tool to identify free marketing and advertising alternatives through the use of online reviews. Now available in New England, have your customized getly report created for your small or mid sized business by our Management Consultants at an affordable fixed price rate, not by an automated online web site that scrapes your information off the online community and fails to actually analyze the data creating an erronous data collection and presentment. A true getly analysis is completed by actual business analysts and analyzed on an individual basis by actual Management Consultants.
A getly analysis will help you understand where you need to provide your potential customer base advertising through Online reviews. Positive online reviews make one of the best and cost effective forms of advertising. Many small and mid sized businesses have learned that this is an invaluable opportunity that turns into long term success. As the online world continues to grow you need to continue your online presence to grow with it. Online perception can make your business shine in the eyes of a customer or look dim compared to other local businesses. Online reviews are the “word of mouth” that stays around forever. A Getly Analysis is typically assembled by professional management consultants that will cost you thousands of dollars for research, analysis and then an engagement based off the analysis to capitolize on the data. What we offer you is the getly analysis and leave it to the business owner or manager to make their own decisions based off the data saving you the high fees typical consultants charge. Many of the tools and techniques can be accomplished without paying the hourly fees and travel rates management consultants charge once you hold the getly analysis in your posession. Of course we are available to provide further services but it has been our experience once an entrepreneurial mind sees the report they can typically use it themselves to make informed decisions on how to focus their efforts and time on marketing and advertising through online reviews. We are like the “self service” of the industry, but are available to help coach when asked.
The GETLY motto is our mission: Get Everyone To Like You What do your customers think of you? Do they like you? Do The GETLY team was created to provide support to small to mid size businesses and their presence get ly intransitive verb \get-lee\ Verb 1. Pertaining to or in reference to an online review get ly verb \get-lee\ :to reference to an online review GOgetly.com
get ly verb \get-lee\ :to reference to an online review GOgetly.com
AMPLIFY you online review presence like a bicycle amplifies a human