Project 1 FINA B
Group of 5. Due by 18/09/ parts. Each worth 50% of total. Need to provide 1 excel workbook for part 1 and part 2. This project will help you to learn data management and interpreting regression results.
Part 1 Section 1: Lookup + Text functions (match, index or V/H lookup functions, etc.), IfError, Validation etc. Section2 – Pivot tables Section3 – Chart (Frequency functions, etc.)
Part 2 Build Hypothesis. Organise data (Remove outliers, treat missing variables etc). Calculate relevant ratios, convert variables to log values, create categorical variables. Run multivariate regression. Interpreting regression with dummy variable.
Report The Report should be divided in Part 1 and 2 and it should comprise at least the followings:- - Introduction - Literature review (only for Part 2) - Description of Analysis - Results - Conclusions and Recommendations - Appendices - References
Part 1. – Describe the functions used. – If there is an alternative approach to get the same outputs, if yes, then the reason/s for choosing the function that you have used. – Interpretation of summary statistics. – Interpretation of histogram. – A brief interpretation of the descriptive stat that you have obtained using Pivot Table and the frequency distribution. Part 2. – Describe hypothesis. – Treatment of data. – Description of your data (i.e. the ratios calculated, reasons of using log values etc.) – A literature review about interpreting dummy variables. – Interpretation of regression with dummy variable (Please read materials provided).