Ashdon Primary School Parent Survey – Summary Last term we launched our 2013 whole school Parent Survey – this important initiative is your opportunity to tell us what you think on some key issues affecting both the whole school community and more specifically your children. We were delighted that so many of you took the time to respond with over 60% of school families getting involved. As we promised at the time, this newsletter will give you a run-down of some of the highlights from your responses and also outlines some of the areas for improvement that were raised and some of the priority actions we have taken in response to these. Once again thank you to everyone who responded and if you didn’t get involved this year, don’t worry, you will have a chance to ensure your voice is heard next year as from now on this will be an annual survey. In the meantime – as ever – if you do have any queries or concerns please do not hesitate to contact the school office. Full copies of the survey and its responses are also available from the school office. Please note that in the highlights noted below, the percentages have been calculated by adding together the ‘strongly agree’ and ‘agree’ responses.
Highlights 95.1 of respondents feel that the school provides a rich and interesting curriculum that helps my child learn
80% of respondents feel that the teaching at this school is excellent
86% of respondents feel that the staff are helpful and caring
86.9% responded that classrooms are welcoming and stimulating
85.6 of respondents feel well informed of their child’s progress
85.2 % of respondents feel that their child is making good progress at the school
91.7 of respondents feel that the children are encouraged to develop their understanding of right and wrong
93.4% of respondents feel that the school keeps their child safe and provides a good level of care and support
81.5% of respondents feel that the school is led and managed well
88.6% of respondents feel that the school tackles any discrimination or inequalities well
90.1% of respondents feel that communication with the school is very good
83.6% of respondents feel they have a good relationship with the school
85.2% are happy with their child’s experience at the school
Areas to Address Pastoral Care: There was a clear call for more information about the pastoral care and support that the school provides to help pupils cope with everything from friendship issues to change and upheaval: Response A number of teaching assistants in the school are trained learning mentors and have designated time during the week to support children pastorally. We liaise with parents when setting these sessions up, and they have a specific focus. Unfortunately, we do not always have the capacity to support as many children as we would wish to, as our TA’s also play a very vital role in supporting the academic development of children in the school. All the school staff work together very closely, and teachers will often liaise directly with parents if any concerns are identified. Action: This term we introduced Friendship Week - a specific curriculum week to focus on the area of relationships. We will attempt to increase the time available for learning mentors within the school We are hoping to increase our staffing levels further, to ensure that transition across Key Stages (From EYFS to Year 1 and Year 2 to Year 3) is managed more successfully. Staff will be working hard during the last part of the Summer Term to ensure children are as well prepared as possible for their move into a new class Part of the focus of the whole school development plan next year will be Children’s Mental health, and what the school can do further to support children who are experiencing difficulties in this area.
Taking Account of Pupil Views: The findings pointed towards a clear need to clarify the ways in which the school canvasses and takes account of pupil views in making ‘whole school’ decisions and how pupils are involved in decision making at a class level. Response The school council meet on a regular basis with Miss Foote and make contributions to the running of the school. This year they have organised the selection of the charity the school is supporting this year (Help for Heroes) and they are also investigating the possibilities of a school pet. They are also organising fundraising via a cake sale. Where there are school wide issues to discuss, the children are often consulted as a group in assembly time. Recently a discussion was had regarding the noise levels within the hall at lunch time, and a Year 6 child suggested a change to the way children line up to make the atmosphere at lunch time calmer. This suggestion has been implemented to great effect. Groups of children often undertake surveys which we use to evaluate the progress we have made towards elements of the school development plan. Action: We will begin to summarise the minutes of School Council Meetings within our weekly newsletter We will share with parents the results of whole school surveys and discussions which lead to changes within the school School council will be consulted regarding the after school clubs provision
Organisation of Classes and Class Routines The survey highlighted a need for information on the organisation of classes and of the routines of the school day Response Those of us who have now been associated with the school for many years often make assumptions about what is known about routines and the way the school week is organised. I think it is clear some parents would like more information’s regarding the ‘day to day routines’ to enable them to support their children in the best way possible and this is something we would be keen to do. Action: During the Summer term we will devise an information sheet which will be distributed to all parents at the start of each term. The sheet will contain all the relevant information concerning both the way the class operates and its routines, and the areas of study for the forthcoming term. This can then be used by parents as an aide-memoire to assist with supporting their children. We will be offering parents the opportunity to comment on the form prior to the Summer holidays to ensure that we are not missing anything out.
After School Club Provision: There was a clear request for a greater variety of after school clubs and activities. Response We are happy to attempt to provide after school clubs for the children, although what we can provide may be limited as the hall space is already utilised by the Kid’s Club every evening. Additionally, children will have to pay for any school clubs which are run by external groups, and I am aware of the strain this can place on the finances of individual families. Action: We will be circulating a questionnaire to ascertain which clubs would be supported and will then look at the cost and logistical feasibility of the most popular choices. We will also be canvassing the views of the children via the School Council. We would also like to take this opportunity to ask once again for any parent volunteers as help and support with after school activities will be essential in order to provide a greater variety of activities.