Op Amp By Virus
Safety Remove all jewelry and watches Wear safety glasses Unplug power plug when placing hands inside live equipment. Wear static wrist strap when troubleshooting sensitive equipment such as computers. Honestly, I never do but for static electricity if you don’t then you could damage parts.
Feedback Rf means feedback resistor. The feedback resistor is your gain adjustment so if Ri = 1K and Rf = 10K then your Vout = 10 times Vin.
T1 T2 T2 measures input signal enter “+” lead and T1 measures op amp output. Incoming signal “+” sign means noninverting signal in = noninverting signal out. Set Functiuon generator (XFG1) to 5kH Set Oscope until you see a nice clear signal
Phase shift “In phase” in sync (not the music group) “Out phase” Out of sync T1 Notice that T1 the waves are shifted since they’re traveling at different frequencies (time). They’re changing in time (1/f) Notice that T1 the waves are in the same frequency of time traveling in harmony.
Yellow is T1 signal Red is T2 signal What king type of op amp signal is this? –Inverting –noninverting In real life, when I troubleshoot I look just to make sure I get squiggles IN squiggles OUT. If squiggles goes in but NO squiggles out guess what? Op Amp is faulty or has no power.
Questions What equipment must you remove before begin troubleshooting? What are the signals for two noninverting op amps? What does it mean “Out of Phase”? What is the purpose of a feedback resistor?
Phase shift
This is called 180 degree phase shift When T1 (Yellow) is positive at that same moment in time then T2 (Blue) is negative T1 = Yellow T2 = Blue
Phase (degrees) oscope
Answer next time… More to come