Serves Local Distribution Companies Manages Small Business Lighting for 18 LDCs Largest evaluator of Retrofit Programs - 26 LDCs TRC tool and support services for 25 LDCs LRAM and SSM evaluations for rate cases System optimization, CIA analysis and support Asset management strategies Member EDA C of A from Professional Engineers of Ont
The RETROFIT program provides substantial financial incentives for replacing inefficient equipment with high efficiency equipment and for installing new control systems that will improve the efficiency of operational procedures and processes
Program benefits include: Decreased operating and maintenance costs Lowered energy Reduced payback periods Incentives for: Lighting and controls Unitary air conditioning Synch belt Variable frequency drives Agri-business Alternative energy measures Motors / pumps / fans
Three categories: prescriptive, engineered, custom – PRESCRIPTIVE track gives ease of selecting from defined list of end-use measures that come with corresponding per-unit incentive – ENGINEERED consists of a series of preset calculation worksheets that help estimate reductions in peak demand and/or electricity consumption
Projects that are not included in either the PRESCRIPTIVE or ENGINEERED tracks. Demand reductions between 11am – 5pm, May through October temp
10% of all small projects (less than $20k) require pre and post site visit review All large projects (greater than $20,000) require pre and post site visit review All custom projects (greater than $10,000) require pre and post site visit review
Projects must be worth a minimum PRESCRIPTIVE incentive of $100 to apply ENGINEERED or CUSTOM measures must have an estimated demand reduction of 1kW and/or first year annual savings of 2,000 kWh Amendments must be made for any changes to applications in order to receive additional incentives (or you get only what was pre-approved) Invoices for Incentives must be received no later than 90 days following project completion
Worksheets …. demo