Multiple Meaning Words Reading Skills
patient patient patient Definition: person being treated by a medical professional patient Definition: waiting in a calm manner
well well Definition: water from underground well Definition: in good health
Definition: the season after summer fall fall Definition: the season after summer fall Definition: to descend (go from higher to lower place) from force of gravity
spring spring Definition: the season after winter spring Definition: a small stream of water coming from the ground There is another meaning for “spring”. Can you think of it?
part The steering wheel is a part of a car. part Definition: a role in a play The boy played an important part in the play. part Definition: a piece of a whole thing The steering wheel is a part of a car.
play The young girl liked to play with her teddy bear. play Definition: a drama performed when different people play different parts The play began promptly at 7:00 p.m. play Definition: to have fun interacting with people and things The young girl liked to play with her teddy bear.
pitcher Gary was determined to do a great job as pitcher. pitcher Definition: a container for a liquid The pitcher was full of water. pitcher Definition: a member of a ball team Gary was determined to do a great job as pitcher.
bark The bark of the tree was peeling off. bark Definition: the sound a dog makes When he saw the rabbit, the dog began to bark. bark Definition: the outer part of a tree trunk The bark of the tree was peeling off.