- a Y5/6 TASC project
Planning included: Role play area of classroom, including costumes, props and a “walk-through” wardrobe Comparing and contrasting the book and film Wide range of writing activities, including: –Writing from different viewpoints –Characterisation –Writing a diary –Play scripts with stage directions etc. –Examining the author’s technique –Descriptive writing –Writing a charter for Narnia
The challenge... In groups, organise a celebration event for Peter’s coronation in Narnia. Use TASC to plan, execute and evaluate the project.
Each session began with re-assembling the TASC wheel
It was hard choosing which ideas we’re going to use because everybody in our group liked their own idea best and nobody wanted to give their idea up and do somebody else’s
In our group we talked about who was really good at doing particular things and that helped us to decide which ideas we would choose
Implementing, using a variety of abilities and skills
We’re designing a menu for the celebration on the computer Everybody in the group is doing something they are good at and they enjoy doing, so nobody feels left out
I’m doing the design for the invitations. First we had to plan out what information we needed to have on them, like the date and the time and the place.
TASC is good because you work together so you never get stuck!
Implementing: keeping a record of tasks undertaken We get post-it notes that match the part of the TASC wheel that we’re working on, so we can remember where the things we do fit in.
Children’s evaluations of the process “It’s a bit like mind mapping – you gather all your ideas together, but TASC is better because it shows you what to do with your ideas when you have gathered them.” “It gives you a way of organising yourself!”
Transferability – “Can you think of any other times you could use a TASC wheel?” “I’m going to use it to organise my work in maths – solving problems.” I’d like a little one to take into my SATs!”