McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2013 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Single Index Models Chapter 6 1
6-2 WARNING! DANGER! To date we have been mostly solving problems We are now beginning the VERY CONCEPTUAL component of the class Instead of simple being able to solve the problems you need to understand the theoretical concepts and their implications In general this will require a much deeper understanding of the material Please be prepared 2
6-3 Learning Objectives Describe the advantages of a single-factor model Define systematic risk and firm-specific risk and estimate the contribution of each to a firm’s total risk Describe the relationship between firm- specific risk and portfolio diversification Identify the inputs of the single index model and describe the security characteristic line
6-4 4 return PP Where we left off Efficient Portfolios CAL Optimal Risky Portfolio Risk Free
6-5 Single Index Stock Market In the real world constructing the efficient frontier is practically impossible Too many interactions However, we can simplify by assuming that all co-movement in returns results from a single risk factor Idea is that a single common risk factor (systematic) is responsible for all the co-movement in returns 5
6-6 Assumptions: Single Index Model Returns are driven by a single, common systematic factor Stock returns are joint normally distributed The factor is systematic (Macroeconomic) affects everything measures a securities sensitivity to the factor Varies across securities Firms are correlated with each other through their correlation to the systematic (macroeconomic) factor Macroeconomic surprises and firm-specific surprises are not correlated Firm specific surprises are not correlated across firms
6-7 Single Index Stock Market r i = β i r M + e i + α i A stocks excess return (r i )has three parts 1. Return due to movements in the risk factor: β i r M r M is the market’s excess return β i is the sensitivity of the security’s returns to the market factor; Systematic risk measure Β i > 1: Cyclical stocks Β i < 1: Defensive stocks 2. Return due to firm specific events: e i ; Residual risk 3. Return beyond that induced by the market: α i Under or Over priced Remember excess return → net of risk free 7
6-8 Where Does α i Come From? Stocks have two values: Intrinsic Value (IV) the present value of the expected future cash flows “True” Price according to a valuation model Market Value (MV) is the consensus value of all market participants α i is postive when IV > MV, Under-Priced α i is negative when IV < MV, Over-Priced α i is 0 when IV = MV, Correctly Priced 8
6-9 Single Index Stock Market r i = β i r M + e i + α i r i is the security’s excess return r M is the market’s excess return β i is the sensitivity of the security’s returns to the market factor; Systematic risk measure Β i > 1: Cyclical stocks Β i < 1: Defensive stocks e i is firm-specific or residual risk Surprises, return independent of market factor α i is the stock’s expected return beyond that induced by market index; Under or Over priced 9
6-10 Breaking Up Returns A stocks excess return has three parts 1. Return due to movements in the risk factor: β i r M 2. Firm Specific unexpected events: e i 3. Stock expected excess return: α i Is the stock under or over priced 10
6-11 Single Index Graph 11 Security Characteristic Line r i = β i r M + α i
6-12 Security Characteristic Line Does NOT depict actual returns Does represent average tendencies Provides the security’s expected return given r m r D = β D R M + α D e i is assumed to be 0 12
6-13 Example If we expect the market to return to be 15%, what return do we expect from a stock with a β of 1.2? If its α is 3%? What about if the market only returned 13%? If e is -1%? 13
6-14 Expect versus Realized Returns Actual return = Expected return + the effect of surprises r i = Actual return earn on the security E(r i )= Expected return on the security β i = Factor sensitivity or factor loading or factor beta F = Surprise in macro-economic factor (+/-) e i = Firm specific events 14 E(r i ) riri
6-15 Expect v Actual Return Example If the market is expected to return 12% over the next year, what is the expected return for a stock with a β of 1.2? The risk free rate is 3%. If the actual market return was 9%: What is the market surprise? What was the actual return earned over the year? 15
6-16 Breaking Down Variance Variance is a measure of TOTAL risk Variance = Systematic risk + Firm-specific risk Systematic risk = β i 2 σ m 2 Firm-specific risk = σ(e i ) 2 σ i 2 = β i 2 σ m 2 + σ(e i ) 2 For a well diversified portfolio, what does σ(e i ) 2 equal? 16
6-17 Variance Example What is the variance of a stock with a beta of 0.9, if the standard deviation of the market is 25%, and its residual standard deviation is 30%? What if the market standard deviation increases to 28%? 17
6-18 How Important is the Market? To determine the importance of systematic risk we measure the ratio of systematic variance to total variance This is the correlation coefficient squared As ρ 2 increases → the market is more important for explaining firm returns σ 2 (e D ): variance of firm specific surprises Determines spread of actual returns around SCL Influences the importance of the market 18
6-19 Single Index Graph 19 β: Systematic risk -Steepness r i = β i r M + e i + α i Spread for the SCL is idiosyncratic risk
6-20 Diversification in a Single Index World All securities have systematic risk exposure, β Can’t get rid of this Portfolio β is just a weighted average of the stock in the portfolio 20
Diversification Continued Variance of the equally weighted portfolio of firm-specific components: When n gets large, σ 2 (e p ) becomes negligible and firm specific risk is diversified away.
6-22 Questions Which offers more diversification benefit? Which is riskier for an undiversified investor? Which is riskier for a diversified investor? 22
6-23 Does investment horizon matter? This is hotly debate Many belief that long term investors should hold more stock (riskier assets) because they become less risky over the long run Time Diversification The book and many academics argues against this position 23